
This page is used to determine how slots in the drawing are identified and treated.

Automatic Rubber Setup - Slots

Choose the appropriate radio button.

  • None - if slots are not to be given any special treatment
  • Hard rubber- if blocks smaller than a given area are to be automatically created using the hard rubber palette.
    • Palette - From the pulldown list choose the required hard rubber palette.
    • Area - Enter the maximum area for blocks to be given this palette.
  • Slot- if slots are to be recognised automatically.
    • Palette - From the pulldown list choose the required palette.
    • Rubber to knife distance - Enter the distance to offset from the original geometry.
    • Slot width - Enter the maximum width that a slot can be.
    • Minimum area - Enter the minimum area that a slot can be.
    • Maximum area - Enter the maximuum area that a slot can be.
    • Automatic detection - Switch this option on if slots are to be detected automatically.

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