Auto Numbering

Auto-Numbering - Parts

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The automatic numbering value is built up from several parts.


Press this button to add a new part. You will be asked to pick a part-type from the drop-down list as follows:-


Press this button, or double-click an entry, to alter the settings for an existing part.


Press this button to delete the current part from the list.

Auto-Numbering - Redirects

A list of redirections can be set up here.


Press this button to add a new redirection. You will be asked to choose a redirect type from the drop-down list as follows:-


Press this button, or double-click an entry, to alter the settings for an existing part.


Press this button to delete the current part from the list.

Auto-Numbering Options


You can enter a minimum or maximum length which will cause Impact to check validity of the generated auto-number.

Minimum Length

Enter the required minimum length.

Maximum Length

Enter the required maximum length.

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