Date and Time

Auto-Number Date


From the drop-down list choose CurrentCreationModification or Custom.


This option is only available if Custom has been selected, above. From the drop-down list choose the database table.


This option is only available if Custom has been selected, above. From the drop-down list choose the required date column.

Date Format

Press this button to define the way that the date is displayed.

Character Case

From the drop-down list choose NormalUpper case or Lower case.


Auto-Number Time


From the drop-down list choose CurrentCreationModification or Custom.


This option is only available if Custom has been selected, above. From the drop-down list choose the database table.


This option is only available if Custom has been selected, above. From the drop-down list choose the required time column.

Time Format

Press this button to define the way that the time is displayed.

Character Case

From the drop-down list choose NormalUpper case or Lower case.

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