Standards Designer

This form is opened either from the Master Tool Settings - Standards - Common Variables editor or the Utilities - Standards - Standards Designer tool (this is called Design Components Designer when you have a Design Component open - in this case the Options page is different).

Standards Designer

You can see from the example above that the form can be made up of two panels. The left-hand panel consists of a tree-list showing the variable groups and variables in the current standard. The right-hand panel consists of several tabbed pages. When the form is used to edit a Common Variable MTS only the right-hand panel is displayed, with only the Variable and Range Checking tabs.

Available tabs:


This edit bar menu gives the following options:

  • Add New... - Add a new group or variable using the Add New form
  • Save - Save the current modifications to this standard
  • Import - Import variables that have been exported from another Standard (via a Standard.ips file)
  • Export - Export these variables to a Standard.ips file
  • Print - Print all of the group and variable information for this standard
  • Cancel - Exit the Standard Designer without saving any changes
  • Save and Exit - Exit the Standard Designer after saving any changes


This edit bar menu gives the following options:

  • Add from Library - Add variables to the current standard from the Impact Common Variable library using the Add from Library form
  • Add from Project - Add variables to the current standard from an existing standard
  • Save in Library - Save the highlighted variable group and its associated variables to the Common Variables library using the Save in Library form
  • Update - Re-read the highlighted linked Common Variable from the MTS and update it
  • Update All - Re-read all linked Common Variables from the MTS
  • Unlink - Remove the link between the highlighted variable and the MTS
  • Revert - Re-establish the link that was broken with the Unlink command
  • Delete - Delete the highlighted group or variable
  • Move Up - Move the highlighted group or variable up one place in the tree list
  • Move Down - Move the highlighted group or variable down one place in the tree list
  • Dependencies... - Display the Variable Dependencies for the current standard

The right-click context menu will give similar options to these described above.


This edit bar menu gives the following options:

  • Test Standard Wizard - Tests the current standard using the Standard Wizard form
  • Reselect Material - Select another material for this standard using the Select Material form
  • Check formulas - Check that all standard formulae are valid
  • Check Standard - This option currently has no effect
  • Unlock Standard - If the standard is password protected this option opens the Standard Password form where you should enter the correct password

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