Cut Palettes

Cut Palettes

The Cut Palettes form can be opened from Master Tool Settings or from the Create Common Knife block tool or the Stripping knife tool.

The setting determines which palettes will be checked for common knife removal by the create common knife block tool, or which palettes the design extents are calculated from and which entities can be identified by the add stripping knife tool.


Specify the unique name for the setting.


Enter the description of this setting.

The palettes can be selected by Palette type or by Palette name:

  • From Palette Types - this option allows you to choose the palettes by type, by selecting them from the list displayed.
  • User defined - if you have a project open, the palettes listed under All palettes will be taken from the current project. If no project is open, the palettes listed will be from the Master Template. Select the required palettes by moving them from the left-hand list into the Palettes to be used list using the arrows.

Related topics: Master Tool Settings

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