Layer Settings

Use this form to configure the Layer Setup Master Tool Settings. These are used when adding a new layer to a project, such as from the Options - Project tool.

Layer Settings - General



From the drop-down list choose the required layer type, such as ONE_UP, MULTI_UP etc.

Current Palette

From the palette list choose the default palette for the layer.


Press the edit button to open the Select Material form and choose the default material to be assigned to this layer.

Preferred Face

From the drop-down list choose As Is, Print-face (Outside) or Die-face (Inside), depending on the Terminology specified in the Database settings. This will set the default Preferred Face in the Layer Properties.

Layer Naming


Enter the required layer name. You can use the usual substitution codes here, such as %<ProjectName>, %<LayerName> etc. If you leave this blank the new layer will be given the same name as these settings.

Layer Settings - Sheet

Choose the required Layouts - Machine/Sheet Settings MTS. You can double-click the setting name to see the details on a read-only version of the form.

Layer Settings - Edges / Board


Grip Edge

Enter the grip edge value for this layer.

Back Edge

Enter the back edge value for this layer.

Side Lay

Enter the side lay value for this layer.

Off Lay

Enter the off lay value for this layer.

Board Weight


Enter the grammage value for this layer.


Enter the board width for this layer.

Layer Settings - Origin / Direction

Origin Position

Choose the appropriate radio button, depending on how you want to define the origin point of this layer.

  • X/Y - Enter the required (X,Y) coordinates.
  • Centre of Sheet
  • Centre of Grip Edge



From the drop-down list choose either Left to Right or Top to Bottom.


From the drop-down list choose Down, Up, Left or Right.

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