Scene Template Settings

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This form is used when saving a 3D Scene Template (from an existing 3D layer), via Save Scene Template and also when loading a 3D Scene Template (into an an existing 3D layer) via Load Scene Template.

This form displays a series of check-boxes, allowing you to specify which properties of the current 3D scene you wish to save or which properties you wish to save/load.

Scene Template Settings - Properties

General Settings

Background - check this option to save the current Background/load the Background from the selected 3D Scene Template

Environment Settings - check this option to save the current Environment Settings/load the Environment Settings from the selected 3D Scene Template

Visibility Settings - check this option to save the current Visibility Settings/load the Visibility Settings from the selected 3D Scene Template.

Objects & Materials

Materials - check this option to save the Materials within the current 3D layer/load the Materials from the selected 3D Scene Template.

Lights - check this option to save any Light Sources within the current 3D layer/load the Light sources from the selected 3D Scene Template.

Floor - check this option to save the Floor/Studio Wall within the current 3D layer/load the Floor/Studio Wall from the selected 3D Scene Template.

NOTE: When Loading a 3D Scene Template, you can choose to make the selected template a Favourite.

Check the required options and click OK.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools, Favourites

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