Component Wizard

The Component Wizard walks you through the process of creating a components which can subsequently be inserted into any 3D scene, via the 3D Components Library Standard Toolbox 

NOTE: If you wish to create a component from selected 3D objects (as opposed to a single object type), you should make the selection before running the Wizard.


Pick the Component Wizard from the 3D Wizards menu. 

Component Wizard Start Page

Click Next to proceed with the wizard.


Provide a unique Name and an optional Description for the setting. Select a folder to save the component into.

NOTE: You can create a new folder by right-clicking on an existing folder and picking Create New Section from the context menu.

You can then provide a name for the new folder.

Component Wizard Settings Page

Click Next to continue.


Specify the contents of the the component.

NOTE: A component may be created from multiple objects and object types if required.

The All Selected Objects option would be appropriate in such case.

Specify whether or not Animations and Textures are required. If Textures are required, they may be Embedded or linked.

Component Wizard Options Page

Click Next to continue.


Use the Preview Controls to adjust the preview to suit.

Note that you may use an existing image as a component thumbnail if required. Click the Import Preview button to import an image file.

Component Wizard Preview Page

Click Next to continue.


Component Wizard Finish Page

Click Finish to complete the Wizard. A new 3D Component Tool Setting will be created within the Components folder, using the name provided.

The 3D Components Library Standard Toolbox will be updated with the new component.

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