Create Set Wizard

This wizard, which is opened from the Database Administration form - Tools - Wizards menu, will guide you through the process of creating a Standards Set suitable for installing the selected standards and/or standard materials in a customer's database.

Create Standards Set - Set Name

Set Name

From the pulldown list choose the desired name or enter a name of your choice in the form <Company Name>\<Set Name>, such as Arden Software Ltd\Standards\FEFCO, to prevent duplicate names bring defined.

Set Version

Enter a suitable sequential version number.

Force removal of any older installed set

If this option is switched on then the Confirm removal of the existing version of the Standard Set option on the Install Standards wizard will always be switched on.


Enter the minimum Impact version, such as, required to install this standard set. When the standard set is installed at the customer site Impact will check that they have a valid version.


If a Set Name has been chosen from the pulldown list then the Company name will be automatically taken from here. Otherwise you can enter the name yourself.


Enter the name of the person who created this standard set.

Load info from existing set

Press this button and locate an existing zip file containing a standards set. The information (Set name, Set Version etc.) will be loaded from that file and displayed on this page.

All of the above information will be displayed when the customer runs the Install Standards wizard.

Create Standards Set - Select Standards

Select Standards

Choose the standards you want to export in this set. You can select entire folders or individual standards within the folders.


If you identify an individual standard then its Name, Description, Licence and a Preview will be displayed.

Create Standards Set - Select Design Components

Select Design Components

Choose the design components you want to export in this set. You can select entire folders or individual components within the folders.


If you identify an individual component then its Name, Description and a Preview will be displayed.

Create Standards Set - Select Materials

Select Materials

Choose the materials you want to export in this set. You can select entire folders or individual materials within the folders. The available Materials and Material Variables are read from the Master Tool Settings.

Material Variables

  • Automatically determine material variables - if you switch this option on then the material variables that are used by the selected materials will be automatically selected
  • Manually select material variables - if you switch this option on then you can select the specific material variables that you want to export

Create Standards Set - Common Variables

Common Variables

Choose the common variables you want to export in this set. You can select entire folders or individual variables within the folders. The available Common Variables are read from the Master Tool Settings.

Create Standards Set - Dictionaries


If there are any available, you can choose which dictionaries to export in this set. These are installed from the Environment Options - Standards - Languages page.

Create Standards Set - Layers & Palettes

Standard Layer

From the list of standard layers and their associated layer mappings, select the ones that you want to export in this set. These mappings are set up in the Environment Options - Standards - Layers and Palettes page.

Standard Palette

From the list of standard palettes and their associated palette mappings, select the ones that you want to export in this set. These mappings are set up in the Environment Options - Standards - Layers and Palettes page.

Create Standards Set - Categories


Select an optional xml file describing the additional categories that should be displayed in the standard's browser. Each standard can be included in zero or more categories.

Categories are displayed in the Options>Environment>Standards>Installed Sets information.

The categories are used in the standards browser to create additional folders within the tree-view.

Create Standards Set - Save Set

Destination File

Press the edit button  to specify a file name and location for the exported settings.

Install Password

You can specify a password for the zip file to prevent unauthorised people from accessing it.

Additional Information

Enter any additional text in here. It will be displayed on the first page of the Install Standards wizard.

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