Database Export Options

Database Export Options

This form is accessed via the Impact Browser - Folders - Export option, or when exporting Master Tool Settings that include Symbols or Templates.

Export to

This defaults to the folder name that you are exporting. Choose a new location by clicking on the Browse button.


Unicode compatible file

Switching this option on creates an Impact 2019 DTS file that can only be used with Impact 2019 or later. Impact 2016 will fail to recognise this DTS file.

Switching this option off creates an Impact 2016 DTS file that can be read with all versions of Impact but cannot transfer database values containing Unicode characters.

This option is persisted for each user to remember their last option.

Export project revisions

Switch this option on to include all project revisions in the export.

Export this folder and all sub-folders

Switch this option on to include sub-folders. Otherwise only the identified folder will be exported.

Append items to existing file

If the export file already exists you can switch this option on to append the exported items to the file. Otherwise any existing items in the file will be over-written.

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