User Group Attributes - Administrator Privileges

This is a summary of the privileges available to an Administrator user, when the appropriate option has been selected in the User Group Attributes.

Database Administration form

Described here

  • Print and Save to file options are only available to Administrators
  • The Server Logs node is only displayed for Administrators

Impact Browser

Described here

The following are only available to Administrators

  • Locked Templates
  • Locked Symbols
  • Database Locks
  • Other users' Working Projects
  • Check out projects (unless the user has the specific privileges set)
  • Extract BLOB and Replace BLOB
  • On the Connection Information form only Administrators can see the Analyse and Connected Users buttons
  • Invitations - Administrators see them all; other users only see their own
  • On the View pulldown list, only Administrators see the Regenerate thumbnails option
  • Deleting multiple invitations in one go
  • On the Revision Properties form, only Administrators can see the Location
  • Opening locked symbols and templates
  • Ability to see hidden folders

Database Windows

  • The Add, Copy, Change and Delete buttons are always available to Administrators

Help Documents

This is from Database Installation > Help Documents

  • This option is only visible to Administrators. Then, on the Help Attributes form, you can define whether only Administrators can see that particular help item.

Master Tool Settings

  • Administrators can export and modify other users' private settings


  • Administrators can always create layers. For other users this depends on their privileges.

Design Options

On the Palettes page, only Administrators can Import palettes.

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