MTS History Options

Use this form to configure the display generated by the MTS History Viewer.

MTS History Viewer Options - Fields

From here you can choose which fields to display, and in which order.

Pressing the Edit button displays the Database Field form.

MTS History Viewer Options - Options

General Options

Show comments pane

Switch this option on to display the comments pane at the bottom of the history form.

List View Options

Always allow columns to be moved or sized

With this option switched on you can drag the column headers and separators to further configure the display.

Allow columns to be grouped

This option allows you to group the display by any of the columns. This is achieved by dragging the appropriate column into the space at the top of the form. An example of a grouped display is shown at the bottom of this page.

Allow advanced filtering of results

When this option is switched on the filter button  is displayed when you hover over a column header.

Display grid lines

Switch this option on and choose a colour. Vertical and horizontal grid lines will be drawn between the rows and columns of the display.

Special effects

From the drop-down list choose None, Alternate row colours or Alternate column colours.

History Viewer - Grouped display

MTS History Viewer - Grouped

This display has been grouped by Class. This means that, for instance, all of the 3D Import/Export settings, all of the Database Operation settings, all of the User Privileges etc. have been grouped together. Some of the groups have been expanded; others have been left collapsed.

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