MTS Audit Trail Clean-up Wizard

This wizard helps you to delete items in the MTS Audit Trail that are no longer required.

MTS Audit Trail Clean-up Wizard

Delete entire audit trail

Removes all history records entirely.

Delete records before

Enter the required date. Only records created before that date will be deleted.

Only clear version data

If this option is switched on then just the version data for these records will be cleared, otherwise the records themselves will be deleted.

Clear version data so that the maximum per MTS is

Enter the required value - n. The maximum value permitted is dependant on the Limit number of stored versions to value in the Options - Database Installation - Master Tool Settings.

All Audit Trail records will remain, but version data will be cleared from the older records such that each MTS has the entered maximum number of records that contain a version. If you specify a value of 0 here which will effectively clear all version data.

Enforce this maximum restriction in the future

If this option is switched on, the following applies.

If n = 0 then future storage of version data will be disabled (this is the same as switching off Store old versions in the Options - Database Installation - Master Tool Settings).
If n > 0 then future storage of version data will be limited to n. Again, the Database Installation settings will be automatically updated accordingly. 

If you want to delete specific history interactively, you can do this from the MTS History viewer form.

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