This wizard, which is opened from the Database Administration form - Tools - Wizards menu, lets you import a zip file of settings from a remote site to keep your database synchronised with theirs. If the zip file has been emailed to you it can be automatically imported directly from the email.
NOTE: The renegade (locally modified) items will normally be overwritten on completion of this wizard unless they are specifically excluded. Please read the warnings at the top of each page where applicable and consider these carefully to avoid overwriting items in your database that have been intentionally modified.
NOTE: It is advisable to make sure you have a backup of your database before proceeding.
Settings Synchronisation Import Wizard - Options
Choose from the radio buttons as required:
- Use existing zip file - use the edit button
to locate the zip file containing the settings
- Get zip file directly from email - Impact will display a list of (optionally only unread) emails containing an exported synchronisation file
List the following from the zip file
From the pulldown list choose the required option:
- All items - all items from the zip file will be available - only those that don't exist in the local database or are newer than those in the local database will be selected by default
- New and updated items only - only items from the zip file that don't exist in the local database or are newer than those in the local database will be available - these will all be selected by default
Symbols and templates
- Override groups for existing items
- Exclude items where code differs
- Override codes that differ
Retain matching customer assignments
If the customer name in the imported Master Tool Settings matches that in the local database then switching this option on will cause the imported settings to keep the same name.
Retain matching site assignments
This option will only appear if you have chosen Use multiple database sites from the Options - Database Installations - Sites page.
If the site name in the imported Master Tool Settings matches that in the local database then switching this option on will cause the imported settings to keep the same name.
On the Symbols, Templates and Master Tool Settings pages you can right-click on an item to bring up a context menu with the following options:
- Compare versions - either opens the Drawing difference viewer or the MTS difference viewer form to display the two items (old and new) side by side
- Expand all - opens all of the nodes on the current page
- Collapse all - closes all of the nodes on the current page
- Select all - switches on the check-box of all items on the current page
- Select none - switches off the check-box of all items on the current page
- Select all in this folder - switches on the check-box of all items in the same folder as the current one
- Select none in this folder - switches off the check-box of all items in the same folder as the current one
- Show legend - you can use this option to either display or hide the help panel on the right-hand side of the page
This panel is slightly different for each of the three pages. It describes the meaning of each of the icons that could be displayed against each item or node.
The item to be imported is newer than the existing one.
Not new
The item to be imported is not newer than the existing one.
For a symbol this means there is a design component with the same name as this symbol, so it cannot be imported. For a template it means there is a project with the same name, so it cannot be imported.
No selection
A folder marked with this icon has no selected items within it.
Partial selection
A folder marked with this icon has some, but not all, items within it selected.
Full selection
A folder marked with this icon has all included items selected.
Settings Synchronisation Import Wizard - Symbols
Depending on the option chosen above, this page will either display only those symbols from the zip file that are newer than the ones currently in the database or it will display all of the symbols from the zip file. If you have chosen to display all of the symbols, then only the new ones will be selected by default. You can then select others if required.
Switch this check-box on or off to specify whether or not this symbol should be imported.
Zip file version
This column gives the creation/modification date and time of the symbol in the zip file.
Local version
This column gives the creation/modification date and time of the local version of the symbol.
Local status
This column can contain one of the following values:
- Clashing - this means there is a design component in the local database with the same name as this symbol
- Missing - this means that this symbol does not exist in the local database
- Renegade - a renegade symbol is one in the local database with the same name that was created by something other than a synchronisation process
- Older - this means that the local symbol is older than the one in the zip file
- Newer - this means that the local symbol is newer than the one in the zip file
If this symbol is referenced in a Master Tool Setting then this comment will tell you the type of MTS and its name.
Settings Synchronisation Import Wizard - Templates
Depending on the option chosen above, this page will either display only those templates from the zip file that are newer than the ones currently in the database or it will display them all. If you have chosen to display all of the templates, then only the new ones will be selected by default. You can then select others if required.
The columns on this page have similar meanings to those on the Symbols page, except for:
Local status
- Clashing - this means there is a drawing in the local database with the same name as this template
- Missing - this means that this template does not exist in the local database
- Renegade - a renegade template is one in the local database with the same name that was created by something other than a synchronisation process
- Older - this means that the local template is older than the one in the zip file
- Newer - this means that the local template is newer than the one in the zip file
Settings Synchronisation Import Wizard - Master Tool Settings
Depending on the option chosen above, this page will either display only those Master Tool Settings from the zip file that are newer than the ones currently in the database or it will display them all. If you have chosen to display all of the Master Tool Settings, then only the new ones will be selected by default. You can then select others if required.
The columns on this page have similar meanings to those on the Symbols page, except for:
Local status
- Clashing - this means that this MTS is used locally as a private setting
- Missing - this means that this setting does not exist in the local database
- Renegade - a renegade MTS is one in the local database with the same name that was created by something other than a synchronisation process
- Older - this means that the local MTS is older than the one in the zip file
- Newer - this means that the local MTS is newer than the one in the zip file
If this MTS is referenced by another MTS then this comment will tell you the type of MTS and its name.
Settings Synchronisation Import Wizard - Database Tables
The comment on this page will tell you how many new records there are in each database table.