Configuring the Customer Options to be used with the Customer Selector. The Customer Selector is the advanced method of choosing the required customer from such places as the Project Database form or the Project Properties form. The Customer Selector is accessed by clicking on the down arrow on the customer entry field. You can then access the Customer Options by clicking on the Options button
Customer Options - Fields
One or more fields to display in the customer selector can be configured.
You can configure columns from the CUSTOMER table, as well as lookup columns from any defined table relationships where the CUSTOMER table is the child.
For example:-
- CUSTOMER.CS_PRIADDR->ADDRESS.A_KEY for a primary address.
- CUSTOMER.CS_DELADDR->ADDRESS.A_KEY for a delivery address.
- CUSTOMER.CS_STATUS->CUSTSTAT.CS_NAME for a customer status.
By default just the Code and Name columns are displayed.
At least one field must be visible.
Customer Options - Options
Customer Table
Never cache all customers
As described on the form itself, you should switch this option on if performance is unacceptable when using a large customer table. Depending on the response to this option, the Selector Options will differ.
Selector Options
With caching enabled:
Display all customers when first dropped down
Selecting this option will automatically fill the customer selector when it is first dropped down. Without this option you need to enter (and apply) a filter (see Type ahead filtering below).
Filter customers on each keystroke
Use this option to configure how type ahead filtering works.
The Key press option, either Starts filtering customers or Scrolls to matching customers, determines how the selector reacts when you type a character into the selector when the drop down is not open.
The scroll option is only available when all customers will be displayed.
With caching disabled:
Maximum to display:
Enter the maximum number of customers to load into the customer selector when a filter is applied.
List View Options
The normal formatting options for grids and row/column effects are available.