Save Project As

Save Project As

From the tree-list choose the required group folder location in which to save the project.


From the drop-down list choose the customer to which the project is to be assigned.


Enter the unique code to be used in the database. If this is left blank Impact will automatically assign a unique value.


Enter a unique reference name for this project.


Enter an optional description for this project.

Hide this project from users without an invitation

Switch this option on if you want to restrict access to this project.

Create an invitation for myself

By default, even the creator of the project will not be able to see it without an invitation. Switch this option on to automatically create an invitation for the creator.

This form may be customised, via Save As Options, so the fields which appear may be different to those listed above. 

Your system administrator can configure group folders using the Project Browser. Customers can be configured from Database - Customer.

Once the project has been saved a copy is stored in the central database and (depending on your Database Settings) in your Working Projects area.

The project remains open. To close the project use File > Close or File > Update.

Related topics: Impact Options - Database Installation, Impact Options - Database Operation

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