User Privileges

The User Privileges form is available via Options > Master Tool Settings, Database Settings, User Privileges.

Other page descriptions available from here are as follows:

> Modify Settings
> Override Settings
> Other Site Settings
> Library Objects

Many of the privilege options have similar names, so in the descriptions below the internal names (for example pDBCustomerAdd) have been included to differentiate them. These internal names are not visible in the User Privileges form.


Assign Auto Task


Switch either this option or pEnvironmentDBInstallationModify on to make the Options Environment > Database Installation > Automation page visible.

Configure Tools


Switch either this option or pEnvironmentDBInstallationModify on to make the Options Environment > Database Installation > Automation > Miscellaneous and > Tools pages visible.

Macro Compile


Switch this option on to make the Macro sub-menu visible on the Automation tools menu.

Use Script Toolbox


Switch this option on to enable the Run button on the Script toolbox window.




Switch this option on to enable the Database > Administration tool.

Connect to Remote Databases


Switch this option on to enable the Add Connection, Connect, Disconnect and Remove options on the Project Browser Form right click context menu.

Connect when Database Version differ


Switch this option on to allow the user to connect to a database that has a different version to that of the currently running Impact version. This can also be enabled through a registry setting.

Create and edit user translations


Switch this option on to allow the user to translate Master Tool Settings into different languages. This also requires the pMTSRenameFolders and pMTSModify options to be switched on.




Switch this option on to enable the Add and Copy buttons within the Database > Customer Form.

When connected to an Enterprise database, with the option pDBEnterprisePublishToSites switched on, this option also enables the Publish to sites option on the Project Browser Form – Customers right click context menu.

This option also allows new entries to be added to the Customer database via the COM interface.

Assign to Sites


Switch this option on to make the Sites… item visible on the Actions button sub-menu within the Database > Customer Form. This only applies if the Use multiple Database SitesCustomers check-box is selected on the Environment Options > Database Installation – Sites page.



Switch this option on to enable the Add and Copy buttons within the Database > Customer Form – Contacts table.


Switch this option on to enable the Delete button and the Delete All item on the Actions button sub-menu within the Database > Customer Form – Contacts table.


Switch this option on to enable the Change button within the Database > Customer Form – Contacts table.



Switch this option on to enable the Delete button within the Database > Customer Form.

This option also allows entries to be deleted from the Customer database via the COM interface.



Switch this option on to enable the Change button within the Database > Customer Form.

This option also allows entries to be edited within the Customer database via the COM interface.

View Inactive in Browser


Switch this option on to enable the viewing of inactive Customer Database entries in the Project Browser Form.


All of these options are only valid for an Enterprise database connection.


View – pDBEnterpriseCustomersViewInBrowser

Switch this option on to display projects by customer in the Project Browser Form.

Switching this option on will also force the Enterprise – View in Browser option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).

Execute Queries


Switch this option on to display the Enterprise node when choosing Select Folders from the Queries right click context menu within the Project Browser Form.

Switching this option on will also force the Enterprise – View in Browser option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).


Lock AnypDBEnterpriseProjectLockAny

Switch this option on to allow any locked project to be checked out. (This assumes that the Modify conditions, described below, are satisfied first.

Lock OwnpDBEnterpriseProjectLockOwn

Switch this option on to allow a project that is locked by the current user to be checked out.

Modify AnypDBEnterpriseProjectModifyAny

Switch this option on to allow projects to be checked out from any site that have been created by any user. However, this can be overridden by the following option.

Modify Any Own Layers OnlypDBEnterpriseProjectModifyAnyOwnLayersOnly

Switch this option to override the action of the above option. Projects can only be checked out if the multiple layers option has been switched on, and then only those layers created by the current user or the conditions for Modify Own, Modify Same Site or Modify Same User Group are satisfied.

Modify OwnpDBEnterpriseProjectModifyOwn

If either Modify Any has been switched off or Modify Any Own Layers Only has been switched on, then switch this option on to allow projects that have been created by the current user to be checked out.

Modify Same SitepDBEnterpriseProjectModifySameSite

If either Modify Any has been switched off or Modify Any Own Layers Only has been switched on, then switch this option on to allow projects from the same site as the current user to be checked out.

Modify Same User GrouppDBEnterpriseProjectModifySameUserGroup

If either Modify Any has been switched off or Modify Any Own Layers Only has been switched on, then switch this option on to allow projects that have been created by another user from the same User Group as the current user to be checked out.

Open CopypDBEnterpriseProjectsOpenCopy

Switch this option on to allow a copy of the chosen project to be opened from the Impact Project Browser. However, this may be overridden by the following option.

Switching this option on will also force the Enterprise – Projects – View option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).

Open Copy for InvitationspDBEnterpriseProjectOpenCopyInvitations

Switch this option on to allow a copy of the chosen project to be opened from the Impact Project Browser, where the project has been specified to be only opened by invitation.


Switch this option on to display Enterprise projects in the Project Browser Form.

Switching this option on will also force the Enterprise – View in Browser option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).

This option will be automatically switched on if the option pDBEnterpriseProjectsOpenCopy is switched on.

Publish to Sites


Switching this option on will have the following effects:-

It will enable the various menu items for publishing tables, users, sites etc. from the Database > Administration tool.

It will enable the Publish to Sites and Publish Items to Sites menu items for Projects, Working Projects, Templates, Symbols and Customers (Publish to Sites only) in the Project Browser Form.

It will enable the Publish to Sites item on the Actions button sub-menu within the Database > Customer Form.

It will enable the Publish to Sites item on the Master Tool Settings Form right click context menu.

View in Browser


Switch this option on to allow the Enterprise connection to be added to the Project Browser Form.

This option will be automatically switched on if any of the options pDBEnterpriseProjectsViewInBrowser, pDBEnterpriseCustomersViewInBrowser or pDBEnterpriseExecuteQueries are switched on.



Change PropertiespDBFolderProjectChangeProperties

Switch this option on to enable the Properties button in either the Project Browser Form for project folders or the Save Project As Form.

Copy To DatabasepDBFolderProjectCopyTo

Switch this option on to enable the Copy Folder To button in the Project Browser Form for project folders. This will allow a project folder to be copied to another database.


Switch this option on to enable the Create new folder button in the Project Browser Form for project folders or the Save Project As Form.


Switch this option on to enable the Delete folder button in the Project Browser Form for project folders or the Save Project As Form.

Move TopDBFolderProjectMoveTo

Switch this option on to enable the Move folder button in the Project Browser Form for project folders. If the Project Browser option to enable Drag-and-Drop file moving is also switched on, then project folders can be moved in this manner as well.


Switch this option on to enable the Rename folder button in the Project Browser Form for project folders or the Save Project As Form.


Change PropertiespDBFolderSymbolChangeProperties

Switch this option on to enable the Properties button in either the Project Browser Form for symbol folders or the Save Symbol As Form.

Copy To DatabasepDBFolderSymbolCopyTo

Switch this option on to enable the Copy Folder To button in the Project Browser Form for symbol folders. This will allow a symbol folder to be copied to another database.


Switch this option on to enable the Create new folder button in the Project Browser Form for symbol folders or the Save Symbol As Form.


Switch this option on to enable the Delete folder button in the Project Browser Form for symbol folders or the Save Symbol As Form.

Move TopDBFolderSymbolMoveTo

Switch this option on to enable the Move folder button in the Project Browser Form for symbol folders. If the Project Browser option to enable Drag-and-Drop file moving is also switched on, then symbol folders can be moved in this manner as well.


Switch this option on to enable the Rename folder button in the Project Browser Form for symbol folders or the Save Symbol As Form.


Change PropertiespDBFolderTemplateChangeProperties

Switch this option on to enable the Properties button in either the Project Browser Form for template folders or the Save Template As Form.

Copy To DatabasepDBFolderTemplateCopyTo

Switch this option on to enable the Copy Folder To button in the Project Browser Form for template folders. This will allow a template folder to be copied to another database.


Switch this option on to enable the Create new folder button in the Project Browser Form for template folders or the Save Template As Form.


Switch this option on to enable the Delete folder button in the Project Browser Form for template folders or the Save Template As Form.

Move TopDBFolderTemplateMoveTo

Switch this option on to enable the Move folder button in the Project Browser Form for template folders. If the Project Browser option to enable Drag-and-Drop file moving is also switched on, then template folders can be moved in this manner as well.

Rename - pDBFolderTemplateRename

Switch this option on to enable the Rename folder button in the Project Browser Form for template folders or the Save Template As Form.

Master Projects

All of the sub-items in this group refer to Master Projects in the Project Browser Form, unless stated otherwise.

Change Properties


Switch this option on to enable the Properties… option on the Project – right click context menu. This, in turn, will allow the project to be renamed, amongst other things, via the Properties Form.

Copy To Database


Switch this option on to enable the Copy selected items button. This will allow selected master projects to be copied to another database. (But see option below, pDBMasterProjectCreate)



If this option is switched on together with the Environment Option User can create and view linked revisions, or the user has permission to modify a master project, or the user has permission to open a copy of a master project then the Open the selected item button will be enabled in the Project Browser Form.

This option will also enable the File > Save As tool when opening a Master Project.

It will make the File > New > Master Project tool available.

It will also make the Create a new linked project revision option visible on the Open Project Form.

Switching the option off will prevent a master project being copied to another database.

Delete Any


Switch this option on to allow the user to delete any Master Projects.

It’s worth pointing out, however, that the Delete all the selected items button will be enabled if any of the pDBProjectDeleteAny, pDBProjectDeleteOwn, pDBMasterProjectDeleteAny or pDBMasterProjectDeleteOwn options are switched on. The individual projects will then be checked to make sure the user has the correct privilege.

Delete Own


Switch this option on to allow the user to delete Master Projects that were created by that user. This option is only checked if the option pDBMasterProjectDeleteAny is switched off.

This option will be automatically switched on if the option pDBMasterProjectSaveAsReplacing is switched on.



If this option is switched on, or the user has permission to create a master project, or the user has permission to open a copy of a master project then the Open the selected item button will be enabled in the Project Browser form.

Switch this option on to enable the File > Save and File > Update menu items when a Master Project has been opened.

Move Folder


Switch this option on to enable the Cut the selected items button.

It’s worth pointing out, however, that the button will be enabled if either the pDBProjectMoveFolder or pDBMasterProjectMoveFolder options are switched on. The individual projects will then be checked to make sure the user has the correct privilege.

This option allows master projects to be moved from one folder to another either using the Cut and Paste buttons, or with drag and drop.

Open Copy


If either this option is switched on, or the user has permission to create a master project, or the user has permission to modify a master project then the Open the selected item button will be enabled in the Project Browser form.

This option also makes the Open a copy of the selected project option visible in the Open Project form.

Save As Replacing


This option is only relevant when the drawing database has been configured to allow duplicate project names.

If the option is switched off and the user attempts to save a master project with a name that already exists, then a duplicate will be created automatically.

If the option is switched on and the user attempts to save a master project with an existing name then the Replace Existing Project Form is displayed. This gives the user the option to create a duplicate or select an existing project to replace.

Switching this option on will also force the Master Projects – Delete Own option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).



Looking at the Options > Projects Form – Layers page:-

If both this option and pDBProjectLayerCreate are switched on then the Add Master button is enabled.

Switching this option on also enables the Show Master Layer Search button and allows searches to be performed.

If the current layer is a Master Layer, then switching this option on will enable the Unlink and Clear buttons.

Looking at the Block tools menu:-

If both this option and pDBProjectLayerCreate are switched on then the Insert master layer tool will be enabled.

Switching this option on also enables the Master Layers tool.



This option does not currently have any effect. It will be automatically switched on when any of the following options are switched on:


Modify Master Template


Switch this option on to enable the File > Open > Master Template tool.


Allowed To Hide from all Users


Switch this option on to enable the Hide this project from all users without an invitation check-box on the Project Properties form and on the Save Project As form.

Change Customer


If either this option is switched off or the Disable customer lists used for selecting customers option on the Database Operation – Dialogs page is switched on, then the Customer combo list on the Projects Properties form is disabled.

Similarly, if either this option is switched off, or the Disable customer lists… option is switched on, or the project has been opened without permission to change the customer, then the Customer combo list will be disabled on the Customer/Project integrated form that is displayed from the Database > Project tool and on the Impact Explorer – Database page.

Switching this option on also allows a project’s customer to be changed using the COM function IDatabaseItem.ChangeCustomer.

Change Customer by drag-n-drop


If either this option or pDBProjectCopyToDatabase are switched on, then it is possible to change a project’s customer by dragging it from one customer and dropping onto another within the Project Browser form.

Change Properties


Switch this option on to enable the Properties… option on the Project – right click context menu in the Project Browser form. This, in turn, will allow the project to be renamed, amongst other things, via the Properties Form.

Copy To Database


Switch this option on to enable the Copy selected items button in the Project Browser form. This will allow selected projects to be copied to another database. (But see option below, pDBProjectCreate).

This option also allows projects to be moved between folders or customers using the drag and drop method in the Project Browser form.



If this option is switched on together with the Environment Option User can create and view linked revisions, or the user has permission to modify a project, or the user has permission to open a copy of a project then the Open the selected item button will be enabled in the Project Browser form.

This option will also enable the File > Save As tool when opening a Project.

It will make the File > New > Project and File > New > Projects from Masters tools available.

It will also make the Create a new linked project revision option visible on the Open Project form.

When connected to an Enterprise database, this option also enables the Publish items to sites option on the Project Browser form – Folders right click context menu.

Switching the option off will prevent a project being copied to another database. It will also prevent a project being drag and dropped into another database.

The option is also required to allow the creation of standards. Without it, the user will recieve an error similar to "Unable to create the destination project for this standard. Please check the template settings for Standards\Options" (English version).

Delete Any


Switch this option on to allow the user to delete any Projects.

It’s worth pointing out, however, that the Delete all the selected items button will be enabled if any of the pDBProjectDeleteAny, pDBProjectDeleteOwn, pDBMasterProjectDeleteAny or pDBMasterProjectDeleteOwn options are switched on. The individual projects will then be checked to make sure the user has the correct privilege.

Delete Own


Switch this option on to allow the user to delete Projects that were created by that user. This option is only checked if the option pDBProjectDeleteAny is switched off.

This option will be automatically switched on if the option pDBProjectSaveAsReplacing is switched on.

Export Multiple


Switch this option on to enable the Export… options on the Project Browser form – Folders and Project Browser form – Project right click context menu.

Hide Customers From Other Sites


When using a database with different customer sites, switch this option on to prevent access to projects that are assigned to customers from other sites.

Import Multiple


Switching this option off will prevent projects being imported into the database from a file.

Invite Others


Switch this option on to make the Invitations tab visible in the Project Browser form (Project Properties Panel). This also requires the Use project access invitations option to be switched on in Database Installation – Options.

This option also makes the Invitations: field visible on the Information Tab in the Project Browser form.

This option will be automatically switched on if the option pDBProjectSaveAsInvitations is switched on.



Looking at the Block tools menu:-

If both this option and pDBMasterProjectTools are switched on then the Insert master layer tool will be enabled.

Switching this option on also enables the Copy Layers, Blocks to Layers and Layers to Blocks tools.

Looking at the File tools menu:-

Switching this option on enables the New Drawing Layer tool.

Looking at the Options > Projects form – Layers page:-

This option also enables the Add button and the Add Master button (if the pDBMasterProjectTools option is also switched on).

Delete - pDBProjectLayerDelete

Looking at the Edit tools menu:-

Switch this option on to enable the Delete Current Layer tool.

Looking at the Options > Projects form – Layers page:-

This option also enables the Delete button.

Lock - pDBProjectLayerLock

Switch this option on to enable the Lock/Unlock options on the right click context menu of the Layers Tab within the Project Browser form. (So long as the layer isn’t check out).

Modify - pDBProjectLayerLock

Switch this option off to disable all fields on the Layer Properties form which is opened from the Options > Projects form – Layers page. The fields would also be disabled if the layer was locked.

This option will be automatically switched on if the option pDBProjectRename is switched on.

Rename - pDBProjectLayerRename

Switch this option off to disable the Name and Description fields on the Layer Properties form which is opened from the Options > Projects form – Layers page.

Switching this option on will also force the Projects – Layer – Lock option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).

Revisions - pDBProjectLayerRevisions

Switch this option on to enable the Revisions… option on the right click context menu of the Layers Tab within the Project Browser form. (So long as the layer isn’t check out and is not just added to the working project).

Lock Any


Switch this option on to allow any locked project to be checked out.

Switching this option on also enables the Lock/Unlock options on the Project Browser form – Project right click context menu and the Open Project form – Project right click context menu.

This option also enables the Lock these project(s) preventing other users from modifying them check-box on the Release Project(s) Form. The lock will then be applied to all projects.

Lock Own


Switch this option on to allow locked projects that were created by the current user to be checked out.

Switching this option on also enables the Lock/Unlock options on the Project Browser form – Project right click context menu and the Open Project form – Project right click context menu.

This option also enables the Lock these project(s) preventing other users from modifying them check-box on the Release Project(s) Form. The lock will only be applied to projects created by the current user.

Modify Any


Switch this option on to make the File > Open Project tool available. (The options pDBProjectModifyOwn and pDBProjectOpenCopy will also make this available).

Switching this option on will also make the File > Save tool available, so long as some changes have been made to the project. It will also enable the File > Update and File > Discard tools.

This option also enables a (non-administrator) user to open any project (the Open selected project for modification option is visible as well as the Open a copy of the selected project in the Open Project Form).

It also causes sub-folders for each user to be created under the Working Projects folder on the Project Browser form. When a project within one of these sub-folders is selected the Release the working project button will be enabled, but not the Open the selected item button.

This option will be automatically switched on if the option pDBProjectModifyAnyOwnLayersOnly is switched on.

Modify Any Own Layers Only


Switching this option on, which forces pDBProjectModifyAny to be on, restricts that option so that the user can only check out project layers that they have created, or they are allowed to add new layers to the checked out project. This requires the Database Operation Database OperationAllow individual layers to be worked on by different users option to be switched on.

Switching this option on will also force the Project – Modify Any option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).

Modify Own


Switch this option on to make the File > Open Project tool available. (The options pDBProjectModifyAny and pDBProjectOpenCopy will also make this available).

Switching this option on will also make the File > Save tool available, so long as some changes have been made to the project. It will also enable the File > Update and File > Discard tools.

A combination of this option and pDBProjectOpenCopy will allow the user to open a copy of another user’s project.

Modify Same Site


Switch this option on to allow a user to modify any projects created at the same site. Switching this option on also allows the user to view working projects belonging to users from the same site.

Modify Same User Group

pDBProjectModifySameUserGroup Switch this option on to allow a user to modify any project created by another member of the same user group. Switching this option on also allows the user to view working projects belonging to another member of the same user group.

Move Folder


Switch this option on to enable the Cut the selected items button.

It’s worth pointing out, however, that the button will be enabled if either the pDBProjectMoveFolder or pDBMasterProjectMoveFolder options are switched on. The individual projects will then be checked to make sure the user has the correct privilege.

This option allows projects to be moved from one folder to another either using the Cut and Paste buttons, or with drag and drop.

Open Copy


Switch this option on to make the File > Open Project tool available. (The options pDBProjectModifyOwn and pDBProjectModifyAny will also make this available).

If either this option is switched on, or the user has permission to create a project, or the user has permission to modify a project then the Open the selected item button will be enabled in the Project Browser form.

This option also makes the Open a copy of the selected project option visible in the Open Project form.



Switch this option on to make the Revision tab visible on the Release Project(s) form. This also requires the Allow geometry to be saved with a project update option to be switched on in the Database Installation – Revisions settings.

Create Linked RevisionpDBProjectRevisionCreateLinked

Switch this option on to enable the Open… option on the Project Revisions panel – right click context menu or the Project Information – Project Revisions tab – right click context menu (both from the Project Browser form).

This option also enables the Open… option on the Layer Revisions – right click context menu, from the Layers panel – right click context menu or the Project Information – Layers tab – right click context menu.


Switch this option on to enable the Delete… option on the Project Revisions panel – right click context menu or the Project Information – Project Revisions tab – right click context menu (both from the Project Browser form).

Make CurrentpDBProjectRevisionMakeCurrent

Switch this option on to enable the Make Current… option on the same context menu as described above.

Make Layer CurrentpDBProjectRevisionMakeLayerCurrent

Switch this option on to enable the Make Current… option on the Layer Revisions – right click context menu, from the Project Browser form – Layers tab – right click context menu.

Open CopypDBProjectRevisionOpenCopy

This option has the same effect as pDBProjectRevisionCreateLinked.


Switch this option on to enable the Revert To… option on the same context menu as pDBProjectRevisionMakeCurrent.

Save As Replacing


This option is only relevant when the drawing database has been configured to allow duplicate project names.

If the option is switched off and the user attempts to save a project with a name that already exists, then a duplicate will be created automatically.

If the option is switched on and the user attempts to save a project with an existing name then the Replace Existing Project Form is displayed. This gives the user the option to create a duplicate or select an existing project to replace.

Switching this option on will also force the Projects – Delete Own option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).

Save As/Open Copy for Invitations


This option relies on the Database Installation – OptionsUse project access invitations option being switched on.

If the user has been given an invitation to a project then switching this option on will allow them to Open a copy of the selected project from the Open Project form and then use the File > Save As tool on that project.

Switching this option on will also force the Projects – Invite Others option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).




This option currently has no effect.



Switch this option on to enable the Save Search button on the Browser Query Form (Advanced Find).

View and Execute


Switch this option on to enable the File > Browser Query tools.

This option also allows the Queries node to be created in the Project Browser form and for the Find in Folder option to be visible in the Project Browser form – Folders right click context menu.

Show Working Projects for other Users


Switching this option displays a sub-folder under the Working Projects Folder in the Project Browser form for each user that has checked out projects.


Change Properties


Switch this option on to enable the Properties… option on the Symbol – right click context menu in the Project Browser form. This, in turn, will allow the symbol to be renamed, amongst other things, via the Properties Form.

Copy To Database


Switch this option on to enable the Copy selected items button in the Project Browser form. This will allow selected symbols to be copied to another database. (But see option below, pDBSymbolCreate).

This option also allows symbols to be moved between folders using the drag and drop method in the Project Browser form.



Both this option and pDBSymbolImportMultiple must be switched on to enable the Paste items into this folder button after a symbol has been copied using the Copy selected items button.

This option, together with pDBSymbolImportMultiple, allows symbols to be downloaded and installed from using the Design Components Library.

If the option pDBEnterprisePublishToSites is also switched on then the Publish to Sites and Publish Items to Sites menu items for Symbols in the Project Browser form will be enabled.

This option will also enable the File > New Symbol tool and, when a symbol has been opened, the File > Save and File > Save As tools.

If this option, together with pDBSymbolImportMultiple, is enabled then the user can import symbols using the COM function IDatabaseInstaller.InstallSymbols.



Switch this option on to enable the Delete all the selected items button on the Project Browser form.

This option also allows symbols to be deleted using a script.

This option will be automatically switched on if the option pDBSymbolSaveAsReplacing is switched on.

Export Multiple


Switch this option on to enable the Export… options on the Project Browser form – Symbols folder and Project Browser form – Symbol right click context menus. This will allow all symbols from the selected folder, or all selected symbols, to be exported to a Database Transfer (.dts) file.

Import Multiple


Both this option and pDBSymbolCreate must be switched on to enable the Paste items into this folder button after a symbol has been copied using the Copy selected items button.

This option, together with pDBSymbolCreate, allows symbols to be downloaded and installed from using the Design Components Library.

If this option, together with pDBSymbolCreate, is enabled then the user can import symbols using the COM function IDatabaseInstaller.InstallSymbols.

After importing a Database Transfer (.dts) file, this option must be switched on to allow symbols from the .dts to be drag-dropped into a symbol folder on the Project Browser form.



Switch this option on to enable the Open the selected item button when a symbol is selected in the Project Browser form.

This option also enables the Open button when a symbol is selected in the Design Components Toolbox.

When a database symbol has been opened, this option will enable the File > Save tool.

Move Folder


Switch this option on to enable the Cut the selected items button when symbols are selected on the Project Browser form.

This option allows symbols to be moved from one folder to another either using the Cut and Paste buttons, or with drag and drop.

Save As Replacing


If this option is switched on and the user attempts to save a symbol with the same name as an existing symbol then the user is given the option to delete the existing symbol and replace it with the new one or enter a different name for the new symbol.

Switching this option on will also force the Symbol – Delete option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).



Switch this option on to allow the various Symbol tools to be used.

A symbol can be drag and dropped from the Design Component Toolbox onto the current drawing.

The following tools will be made available: 

Block > Insert Symbol
Block > Direction Symbols
Block > Lay Symbol Pattern
Block > Create Symbol Patterns
Block > Delete Symbols

Also, if the option is switched off, these tools will not be available from within the diemaking tools, such as when adding a dieboard.



Switch this option to display the Symbols folder on the Project Browser form.

This option will be automatically switched on when any of the following options are switched on:



Change Properties


Switch this option on to enable the Properties… option on the Template – right click context menu in the Project Browser form. This, in turn, will allow the template to be renamed, amongst other things, via the Properties Form.

Copy To Database


Switch this option on to enable the Copy selected items button in the Project Browser form. This will allow selected templates to be copied to another database. (But see option below, pDBTemplateCreate).

This option also allows templates to be moved between folders using the drag and drop method in the Project Browser form.



Both this option and pDBTemplateImportMultiple must be switched on to enable the Paste items into this folder button after a template has been copied using the Copy selected items button.

If the option pDBEnterprisePublishToSites is also switched on then the Publish to Sites and Publish Items to Sites menu items for Templates in the Project Browser form will be enabled.

This option will also enable the File > New Template tool and, when a template has been opened, the File > Save and File > Save As tools.

If this option, together with pDBTemplateImportMultiple, is enabled then the user can import templates using the COM function IDatabaseInstaller.InstallTemplates.



Switch this option on to enable the Delete all the selected items button on the Project Browser form.

This option also allows templates to be deleted using a script.

This option will be automatically switched on if the option pDBTemplateSaveAsReplacing is switched on.

Export Multiple


Switch this option on to enable the Export… options on the Project Browser form – Templates folder and Project Browser Form – Template right click context menus. This will allow all templates from the selected folder, or all selected templates, to be exported to a Database Transfer (.dts) file.

Import Multiple


Both this option and pDBTemplateCreate must be switched on to enable the Paste items into this folder button after a template has been copied using the Copy selected items button.

If this option, together with pDBTemplateCreate, is enabled then the user can import templates using the COM function IDatabaseInstaller.InstallTemplates.

After importing a Database Transfer (.dts) file, this option must be switched on to allow templates from the .dts to be drag-dropped into a template folder on the Project Browser form.



Switch this option on to enable the Open the selected item button when a template is selected in the Project Browser form.

When a database template has been opened, this option will enable the File > Save tool.

Move Folder


Switch this option on to enable the Cut the selected items button when templates are selected in the Project Browser form.

This option allows templates to be moved from one folder to another either using the Cut and Paste buttons, or with drag and drop.

Save As Replacing


If this option is switched on and the user attempts to save a template with the same name as an existing template then the user is given the option to delete the existing template and replace it with the new one or enter a different name for the new template.

Switching this option on will also force the Template – Delete option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).



Switch this option to display the Templates folder on the Project Browser form.

This option will be automatically switched on when any of the following options are switched on:



Confirm DB Structure and Option Changes


Switch this option on to allow the user to choose which Automatic Updates to apply when connecting to the database. Otherwise, the updates will be applied automatically.

This option will also cause the Database Structure Changes Form to be displayed, if required, allowing the user to select the ones to apply. Otherwise, the updates will be applied automatically.

Modify Password


Switch this option on to make the Click here to change password hyperlink visible on the User Properties Form.

Send Messages


Switch this option on to enable the Send Message button on the User Properties form when this is opened from the File > User Properties tool.

This would only allow the user to send a message to themself though.

Administrator users can also access the User Properties form from the Database > Administration tool, where the Send Message button will always be enabled for them.

Single User DB Structure and Option Changes


Switch this option on to allow Automatic Updates and Database Structure changes to be applied.

If this option is not switched on when connecting to a database with a version number that doesn’t match Impact’s version number then the following message is displayed “If you have just upgraded this installation of Impact to version ‘…whatever…’ you should press No and reconnect to this database as ADMIN to ensure any required database changes or updates are performed.”


The Project Documents form is accessed from the Project Browser form, by right clicking on a project. The Project Documents toolbox is accessed from the Impact Explorer - Database tab.



Switch this option on to enable the Add button on the Project Documents form and the Project Documents toolbox.

Allow larger than Maxsize


If this option is switched on and you try to add a document that is larger than the maximum size allowed, then a warning message will be displayed but you will be able to add the document.

Cancel Any Check-out


Switch this option on to enable the Cancel Check-out button on the Project Documents form.



Switch this option on to enable the Check-out and Update/Check-in buttons on the Project Documents form.

Copy To


Switch this option on to enable the Copy To button on the Project Documents form. This will allow documents to be copied elsewhere on the computer.

Create Tags


Switch this option on to enable the creation of new managed tags from the Add Documents form. If a user tries to add a tag when they don't have this privilege they will see the following message: The tag 'tagname' does not exist, you can only assign managed tags that have already been configured.



Switch this option on to enable the Delete button on the Project Documents form.




Switch this option on to enable the Options button on the Add Documents form and the Configuration button on the Project Documents form. This option also causes the Groups tab to be created on the Document Configuration form.



Switch this option on to enable the Import and Export buttons on the Document Configuration form (accessed via the Document Configuration button on the Project Documents form).

MIME Types


Switch this option on to enable the Options button on the Add Documents form and the Configuration button on the Project Documents form. This option also causes the MIME Types tab to be created on the Document Configuration form.



Switch this option on to enable the Options button on the Add Documents form and the Configuration button on the Project Documents form. This option also causes the Tags tab to be created on the Document Configuration form.



Switch this option on to make the Obliterate button visible on the Project Documents form and on the right-click context menu from the Document Information form (accessed via the Document Information button on the Project Documents form).



Switch this option on to enable the Open to view button on the Document Information form, and the Open to view, Print and Email options on the right-click context menu from the same form. This also enables the Open to view, Print and Email buttons on the Project Documents form and those same options on the right-click context menu from the Project Documents toolbox.



Switch this option on to enable the Purge button and the View - Purged Documents option on the Project Documents form, as well as the Purge option on the right-click context menu from the Document Information form.



Switch this option on to enable the Documents - Search Documents option on the Project Documents form.

Show Document and Series IDs


Switch this option on to make the Document ID and Series ID visible on the Document Information form.



Switch this option on to enable the Undelete button and the View - Deleted Documents option on the Project Documents form, as well as the Undelete option on the right-click context menu from the Document Information form.

Use Graphic Documents


Switch this option on to enable the Check graphic documents are up to date option on the Environment Options > Database Operation > Opening Projects form.

This option also allows graphic items to be added as documents to a project from the Add Graphic Wizard Form.

If the option is enabled when opening or releasing a project, any related documents will be checked for graphic images.

View Menu


Switch this option on to enable the Database - View Documents menu item.

View All


Switch this option on to enable the Documents - View all Documents option on the Project Documents form.

View All Checked Out


Switch this option on to enable the Documents - All Checked Out Documents option on the Project Documents form.

View in Explorer


This option currently has no effect.


Bitpad Assignments


This option currently has no effect.

Bitpad Settings


This option currently has no effect.

Database Installation


Switch this option on to allow the Environment Options > Database Installation settings to be changed.

If this option is switched off but pMiscMacroConfigureTools is switched on, then only the Environment Options > Database Installation > Automation settings are available.

Database Operation


Switch this option on to allow the Environment Options > Database Operation settings to be changed. This also requires the User Group MTS to have the option Allow user to override database settings switched on.

Save ToolBar Positions


Switch this option on to allow toolbar positions to be saved when exiting and loaded when restarting Impact. This can also be achieved if the User Group MTS has the option Allow user to override database settings switched on.



Switch this option on to allow the Environment Options > Environment settings to be changed.

This option also enables the Metric/Imperial toggle tool on the drawing canvas.

Standards Settings


Switch this option on to enable the Options > Environment - Standards section (and all sub-sections).

Suppressible Messages


When a suppressible message is displayed, switching this option on causes the Do not display this message again check-box to be displayed.

This option also causes the Environment Options – Messages page to be displayed, enabling the user to configure suppressible messages.

Workstation Settings


Switch this option on to display the Environment Options – Workstation page. This allows Database Connections, File Locations, Options, Proxy Server and V4 DOS Database options to be configured.


3D Tools


Switch this option on to enable all of the 3D tools.

Constraint Tools


This option is enabled by default and gives access to all of the Dynamic Constraint tools.

Diemaking Tools


Switch this option on to enable the Diemaking tools. However, this is not simply enabling all options on the Diemaking menu as some of these are covered by pGeneralHugoTools, pGeneralRubberTools, pGeneralRotaryTools or pGeneralMakeReadyTools. For instance, with pGeneralDiemakingTools switched off but pGeneralRotaryTools switched on, the Add Flatbed Dieboard tool will be unavailable but the Add Rotary Dieboard tool will be available.

Dimension Tools


Switch this option on to enable all of the Dimension tools.

Drawing Tools


If this option is switched off then Impact will run in a View Only mode that only allows users to view, select, measure and enquire on geometry; examine database information and view existing 3D models.

Additional privileges including importing files, executing queries, viewing project documents and running reports can also be switched on. However, enabling all remaining privileges will not have any effect.



This option currently has no effect.

Graphics Tools


Switch this option on to enable all of the Graphics tools.



Switch this option on to enable the File > Import tool and the NC Simulation tool. The File > Import 3D tool is available regardless of this privilege setting (and pGeneral3DTools).

Layout Tools


Switch this option on to enable all of the Layout tools.

MakeReady Tools


Switch this option on to enable all of the Diemaking > Matrix Creator tools.

Parametric Tools


Switch this option on to enable all of the Utilities > Parametrics tools.

Plot Tools


Switch this option on to enable the File > Plot, File > Export and File > Export 3D tools.

Report Tools


Switch this option on to enable the Utilities > Report Template tools. These used to be called Border Plot tools.

Rotary Tools


Switch this option on to enable all of the Diemaking > Rotary Dieboard Creator tools. This option overrides the pGeneralDiemakingTools option.

Rubber Tools


Switch this option on to enable the Diemaking > Rubber Creator tools. The Rubber Nester tool is controlled by pGeneralDiemakingTools.

Rule Preparation Tools


Switch this option on to enable the Diemaking > Rule Preparation tools. (Previously known as Hugo tools).

Tidy Tools


Switch this option on to enable all of the Edit > Tidy tools.

Utility Tools


Switch this option on to enable various utility tools. This is not simply enabling all of the items on the Utilities menu. The following tools are controlled by this option:

 Utilities > Standards > Standards Designer
   Run Standard
   Case Compression
  Maintenance > Layer Checker
   Update Project Items
  Face Settings 
 Draw > Hatch 
  Hole finder 
  Path finder 
  Ordered draw 
  Add Ticks 
 Developers > Tool Inspector 
  Floating Point Settings 
  Drawing Integrity Checker 
 Diemaking > Common Knife > Create common knife block
   Remove common knife block


Then, the toggle buttons that control Grid Co-ordinates, Grid Type, Machine Direction, Flute/Grain Direction and Visible Face are not enabled/disabled but they have no effect if the option is switched off.

Visible in Design Components toolbox


If this option is switched then the Help > Registration Form that shows which features are available will show the paragraph headed Integrated Design Component Browsing. Otherwise it won’t be displayed.

This option can also be altered using the Database > Administration tool; Tools > Automatic Updates.

Visible in Standards Browser


If this option is switched then the Help > Registration form that shows which features are available will show the paragraph headed Integrated Standards Browsing. Otherwise it won’t be displayed.

This option can also be altered using the Database > Administration tool; Tools > Automatic Updates.

Master Tool Settings

Assign Customer Settings


Switch this option on to display the Customers button on the MTS form, so that Master Tool Settings can be assigned to customers. This only applies if the Environment Options > General Tools – Master Tool Settings – Use customer specific settings check-box is selected.

Assign Site Settings


Switch this option on to display the Sites button on the MTS form. This only applies if database sites are enabled.

Change History


Switch this option on to enable the Delete button in the MTS History Viewer (when one or more history item are selected).

This option will also allow comments to be added in the MTS History Item Properties Form.



Switch this option on to allow Master Tool Settings to be created. This affects a number of areas within Impact:-

The Save button will be enabled on the Appearance Manager form (right click the Impact toolbar).

The following all refer to the Master Tool Settings form:

  • If both this option and pMTSCreateFolder are switched on then the MTS right click context menu item New Folder will be enabled for MTS folders that allow sub-folders.
  • For an Enterprise Database, if this option and pDBEnterprisePublishToSites are switched on then the MTS right click context menu item Publish to Sites will be enabled.
  • The Add button will be enabled on the toolbar and on the right click context menu from an individual MTS.
  • If both this option and pMTSCreateFolder are switched on then the Copy button will be enabled on the toolbar and on the right click context menu from an individual MTS.
  • If both this option and pMTSImportExport are switched on then the Import and Export buttons will be enabled on the toolbar and on the right click context menu from an individual MTS.
  • In the MTS History Viewer the Make Current button will be enabled and renamed to be Reinstate for selected settings that no longer exist.

Both this option and pMTSModify must be switched on when installing Standards Sets that contain Master Tool Settings (either Material Variables, Materials or Common Variables), otherwise these cannot be created.

The option will be automatically switched on if either pMTSCreateFolders or pMTSImportExport is switched on.

Create Folders


If both this option and pMTSCreate are switched on then the MTS right click context menu item New Folder will be enabled for MTS folders that allow sub-folders on the Master Tool Settings form.

If both this option and pMTSCreate are switched on then the Copy button will be enabled on the toolbar and on the right click context menu from an individual MTS on the Master Tool Settings form.

Switching this option on will also force the Master Tool Settings – Create option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).



Switch this option on to allow Master Tool Settings to be deleted. This affects a number of areas within Impact:-

The Delete button will be enabled on the Appearance Manager form (right click the Impact toolbar).

The following refer to the Master Tool Settings form:

  • The Delete button will be enabled on the toolbar and on the right click context menu from an individual MTS.
  • The Delete button will be enabled on the right click context menu from an MTS folder, which allows all settings within that folder to be deleted.

This option must be switched on when uninstalling Standards Sets that contain Master Tool Settings (either Material Variables, Materials or Common Variables), otherwise these cannot be deleted.



If both this option and pMTSCreate are switched on then the Import and Export buttons will be enabled on the toolbar and on the right click context menu from an individual MTS on the Master Tool Settings form.

This option is also required when using IDatabaseInstaller.InstallMasterSettings.

Switching this option on will also force the Master Tool Settings – Create option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).



Switch this option on to allow Master Tool Settings to be modified. This affects a number of areas within Impact:-

The Change button will be enabled on the Appearance Manager form (right click the Impact toolbar).

The following all refer to the Master Tool Settings form:

  • If both this option and pMTSRenameFolders are switched on then the Rename menu item on the MTS right click context menu will be enabled.
  • The Change button will be enabled on the toolbar and on the right click context menu from an individual MTS.
  • If both this option and pMTSMoveFolders are switched on then the Cut button on the toolbar and on the right click context menu from an individual MTS will be enabled.
  • In the MTS History Viewer the Make Current button will be enabled for existing selected settings.

Both this option and pMTSCreate must be switched on when installing Standards Sets that contain Master Tool Settings (either Material Variables, Materials or Common Variables), otherwise these cannot be created.

The option will be automatically switched on if either pMTSMoveFolders or pMTSRenameFolders is switched on.

Move Folder


If both this option and pMTSModify are switched on then the Cut button will be enabled on the toolbar and on the right click context menu from an individual MTS on the Master Tool Settings form.

Switching this option on will also force the Master Tool Settings – Modify option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).



If this option is switched off it will not be possible to override Master Tool Settings from the Edit button within various tools. The button is not disabled, but a message informing the user is displayed.

Rename Folders


Switch this option on to allow MTS sub-folders to be renamed.

Switching this option on will also force the Master Tool Settings – Modify option to be switched on (if it isn’t already on).

User Settings


Switch this option on to enable the Private User Setting item on the right click context menu from an individual MTS for Master Tool Settings that allow this. (This includes MTS for Saved View Settings, Database Queries, Report Template Settings, Appearance Settings, Snap Settings and Selection Expression Settings). This allows the user to toggle this setting for the selected MTS.

Where appropriate, (for instance when saving Appearance Settings from the Appearance Settings Manager, saving an advanced find from the Project Browser form or saving a Selection Expression), if this option is on then the user will be given the option to save the settings as their own private settings.

If either this option is switched off then the Save as your own private user setting option on the 3D Component Wizard Form is disabled.



Switch this option on to enable the Verify menu on the Master Tool Settings form.

If both this option and the Environment Options > General Tools – Master Tool Settings – Auto verify on open check-box is selected then all Master Tool Settings are checked for missing or invalid items whenever they are opened. In fact, the user is only allowed to alter that environment option if this option is switched on.

When closing the Master Tool Settings Form, if this option is on and some Site Assignments have changed, then the user is prompted to verify all Master Tool Settings to check for consistent site assignments of primary and secondary Master Tool Settings.

View History


If this option is switched on then both the History menu on the toolbar and the History option on the right click context menu from an individual MTS on the Master Tool Settings form will be enabled.



Switch this option on to enable both the Options > Master Tool Settings tool and the Symbol Pattern Preview tool.


Edit TipOfTheDay


Switch this option on to allow the user to modify the Tips of the Day file. Only one user is allowed to modify the file at any time.

Project Options

Except where noted, these options all affect the Design Options form, which is opened from the Options > Project tool. In all cases the assumption is that the user is allowed to change the project information (for example, if they own the project).

Bridge Styles


Switch this option on to enable the Add, Change and Delete buttons on the Bridge Styles page. (The Change button will be labelled View if the option is off, and it will be enabled).



This option currently has no effect.



Switch this option on to enable all of the controls on the Project Options page.

If this option is switched on then all of the controls on the VBScript page will be enabled.

Palette Groups


Switch this option on to enable the Add, Change and Delete buttons on the Palette Groups page. (The Change button will be labelled View if the option is off, and it will be enabled).

Also, on the Impact Edit bar, switching this option on will allow Palette Groups to be modified from the Palette Group Edit Button.



Switch this option on to enable the Add, Change and Delete buttons on the Palettes page. (The Change button will be labelled View if the option is off, and it will be enabled). This will also enable all of the options on the Drawing Order and Palette Options pages.

Also, on the Impact Edit bar, switching this option on will allow Palettes to be modified from the Palette Edit Button.

This option also affects the Palette page on the Impact Explorer window. 

  • The Add item will be enabled on the right click context menu from a palette entry. 
  • Selecting Properties on the right click context menu from a palette entry will allow the palette properties to be changed.
  • Selecting Properties on the right click context menu from a palette group will allow the palette group to be modified.

Text Styles


Switch this option on to enable the Add copy of, Add based on, Change and Delete buttons on the Text Styles page.

This option will also enable the Create new style sheet check-box on the Text Settings form. This form is opened from the Text Editor form.


Advanced Corrugated Materials


When this option is switched on, the Material Settings – Type drop down list, on the Standards – Materials MTS Form, will have the following additional entries: FLUTEMEDIUM, LINER, LINERINNER and LINEROUTER. These same entries will be added as check-boxes to the Material Group form which can be opened from the Stripper System – Materials page.

Switching this option on causes Advanced Corrugated Materials to be displayed on all appropriate forms, such as the Board Variables Form, the Case Compression Form and the Standard Wizard Form.

Switch this option on to enable the Environment Options > Standards – Corrugated Materials page. This option also switches on the AdvancedCorrugatedMaterialsEnabled setting in IStandardCreator.

Advanced Variables


Switch this option on to enable the Show advanced variables check-box on the Standards Wizard Form. Without this the user can neither view nor modify advanced variables.

Allow Retaining Parametric Dimensions


Switch this option on to allow the Delete Parametric Dimensions option to be displayed on the Geometry Creation page of the Standard Wizard form. Otherwise the option will be hidden and parametric dimensions will always be deleted when running a standard.

Automatic Palette Mapping


Switch this option on to enable palette mapping when running a standard. This means that if a palette has been used in a standard, but there is no existing palette mapping for it, then the user can set up a mapping whilst running the standard. This is done through the Standard Palette Mapping Form.



If the option pDBEnterprisePublishToSites is also switched on then, when connected to an Enterprise database, this option enables the Publish to Sites and Publish Items to Sites menu items for Standards on the Project Browser form – right click context menu.

It will also enable the File > New Standard tool.

Create Standard Sets


Switch this option on to enable the Create Standards Set tool.

Delete Standards from Set


Switch this option on allow standard parts to be removed when running the Standard Sets Uninstaller.



Switch this option on to enable the Utilities > Standards > Standards Designer tool, Utilities > Standards > Run Standard tool, Standards Dependencies Wizard and Standard Language Wizard.

Insert Design Components


Switch this option on to enable the Block > Insert Design Component tool.

This option also allows Design Components to be inserted from the Design Components Library. 

Install/Uninstall Standard Sets


Switch this option on to enable the Install Standards Set tool.

Switch this option on to enable the importing of standards via the COM IDabaseInstaller.InstallStandards function.

This option also allows design components to be downloaded and installed from using the Design Components Library and from the Standards Browser.

This option also enables the Uninstall, Delete and Categories buttons on the Environment Options > Standards – Installed Standard Sets page.

Save Standards


Switch this option on to enable saving of standards. If the option is off, then the Standards folder in the Projects database tree is not visible when the user saves a standard.

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