Table List

Database Administration - Table List

This part of the Database Administration form displays a list of all the database tables. If you right-click one of the entries a context menu is displayed with the following options:

  • Expand - this displays the field list for the table
  • Add - add a new database using the Table Structure form
  • Change - modify the selected database using the Table Structure form
  • Delete - delete the selected database
  • Select - select entries using All, None or Toggle
  • Print - prints the field information of the selected databases
  • Print to File - sends the field information of the selected databases to a text file
  • Import prompts - imports prompts from a database descriptor (DBS) file
  • Export - exports the selected database tables to a database descriptor (DBS) file
  • Maintenance - allows you to Reindex, Pack or Verify the selected databases

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