Site Information

This form is displayed when you select an individual site from the Sites list.

Database Administration - Site Information

You can select members in the usual manner, using a left-click, ctrl-left click etc.

If you right-click on one of the members a context menu will be displayed with the following options:

  • Check selected - this will switch on the check-box of all selected users
  • Uncheck selected - this will switch off the check-box of all selected users
  • Check all - this will switch on the check-box of all users
  • Uncheck all - this will switch off the check-box of all users
  • Assign - use the Assign users form to assign more users to this site
  • Move To - move the checked members to another site using the Move Site Members form
  • Remove - remove the checked members from this site
  • Add - use the User Properties form to add a new user to the database
  • Change - use the User Properties form to modify the selected user
  • Delete - delete the selected user
  • Show CAD users only - you can toggle this switch to determine which users to display
  • Send Message - use the Send User Message form to send a message

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