
Impact can store any document including artwork and images providing complete digital asset management with revision control. Impact can also associate those documents with a variety of items in the database, such as projects, layers, customers.

Database Installation - Documents

Beneath the Documents node, there are sub-nodes for Meta-Extractors and Thumbnails

Document Storage Provider And Extenders

Impact supports a plugin architecture for document providers. By default, the Impact Document Provider is used, which stores the documents within the Impact database itself. Other providers can be made available to provide an interface to third-party document management systems. The Impact Document Provider supports one extender, called Impact Document Extensions

Configure - allows you to modify settings specific to the provider

Info - allows you to view the detailed features of the provider

Document Relationships

You can choose the types of database item with which documents may be associated. 

Use Project documents
Use Layer documents
Use Template documents
Use Symbol documents
Use Customer documents
Use Contact documents
Use User documents
Use Site documents
Use Other documents
Use Address documents

A single document may be associated with any number of database items, of varying type.

Automatic Document Creation

During certain operations, documents (files) may be automatically associated to the current project. 

Add new graphic images by default - when using the Add Graphic tool, the chosen graphic file can be added as a project document.

Add new PDF files generated for report templates by default - when using the Report tool, the generated file can be added as a project document.

TIP: It is first necessary for the project to have been saved before you can use the Automatic Document Creation feature.


Related topics: Document Management settings (Database Operation), Impact Document Provider Settings, Document Provider Information, Document Meta-Extractors, Document Thumbnails, Document Configuration.

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