
Database Operation - Document Management

There are a number of Document Management settings that you or your system administrator can use to fine-tune the behaviour of the document tools.

Viewing Documents

Load 'All Documents' when opening dialog - Affects the initial behaviour of the Documents form when accessed from the View Documents tool. 

Allow documents to be added without a relationship - You may want every document to be associated with a database item such as a project or customer. 

Show document categories by default - Determines whether the Documents form initially shows the Categories panel on the left hand side.

Related Document Views

Allow document view to be changed - When viewing documents related to a database item (for example project or customer), include Search Documents and View All Documents in the Documents pull-down list, thereby changing the behaviour of some of the tools.

Allow multiple relationships - By disabling this option, documents may be restricted to having a single relationship (for example with one project or one customer). This is the behaviour used by earlier versions of Impact.

Concurrent Editing Style

Impact supports both direct updating and check-out/check-in for document editing.

Simple document updates only - Update a document in a single operation.

Both simple updates and check-out/check-in of documents - The check-in/check-out operations prevent other users from altering the documents while you are editing them locally.


Related topics: Project Documents, View Documents, Document Management settings (Database Installation).

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