Report Template Settings

The Report Template Settings allow you to specify the way in which a report template is created. The Report Template Wizard prompts you to enter all attributes needed for the setting.

Report Template Settings - Name


Enter the unique name for these settings.


Enter an optional description for these settings.

Report Template Settings - Destination

Choose a Destination

  • Send to the following printer - from the drop-down list select a printer
  • Send to the following plotter - from the drop-down list select the required Plotter Machine MTS
  • Create a new project - the output will be sent to a newly created project
  • Create new layers in the current project - either enter a layer name or select the required layer settings MTS using the edit button
  • Export using the following format and settings
  • From the first drop-down list select the required export format and from the second select the required Import/Export MTS
  • Send to quick view window - this option is only relevant when run from within the Impact Browser

Report Template Settings - Output Options

Output Options

Override Destination

Switch this option on to allow the user to override the destination when running the report.

Override Destination in Project Browser

This option will allow the user to override the destination when running the report from the browser.

Copy all database values to new project

This option is only relevant when creating a new project. All database values will be copied to the new project.

Convert calculated text entities to plain text

This option is also only relevant when creating a new project. Text entities that contain variables, database values etc. will be expanded.

Also send metafile to clipboard

This option copies the finished report to the Windows Clipboard.

Never prompt to create a PDF project document

The document management system can be set up to ask if you want to create a PDF document to add to the project documents. If this option is switched on a document will never be created.

New Project Name

Enter the name required for the temporary project.

Report Template Settings - Pages

Specify the Report Pages

Multi-page border plots can be configured from this page.


Press this button to add a new page.


Press this button to modify the highlighted page.


Press this button to delete the highlighted page.

 Use the arrows to alter the order of the configured pages.

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