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The Information pane has several tabs:

Information – general details of the Project / Symbol / Template, including Code, Reference, Description and (for projects) the Customer.


Database – customisable database windows (DBWs). These DBW settings must first be created as Master Tool Settings that can then be enabled via the Browser Options form (see Database Windows and Browser Options).

Information - Database

Layers – a list of Layer names, Layer Types (ONE_UP, MULTI_UP etc) and summary information, plus a section showing configurable database information (enabled as described above via Browser Options).

Right-clicking a layer in the list gives a context menu with the following options:-

  • Quick view - to preview the selected layer's geometry
  • Database - Show database information for the selected layer
  • Master project - only if this layer is linked to a Master project - gives access to a further context menu:-
  • Revisions - Show Revisions information
  • Lock
  • Unlock
  • Only show my layers - Show the layers owned by you
  • Status legend - Toggle the display of the status legend
  • Options - Modify the Browser Options

Information - Layers

Project Revisions – this tab is only displayed for projects and gives a list of updates and revisions. These are recorded each time you release the project (for example, using File - Update). A revision number is only shown if a project revision was made at the time of updating (see Release Projects).

Right-clicking a revision in the list gives a context menu with several options:-

  • Details - Display Revision Properties in a new window
  • Open - Open a copy of the selected revision geometry
  • Quick view - to preview the revision geometry
  • Database - Display database information for the revision
  • Revert to - Revert the current project to the selected revision
  • Make Current - Make the Highlighted Revision Current
  • Compare - Select two revisions (both of which must contain revision geometry) and view the Difference between them.
  • Delete the selected revision
  • Extract BLOB - Create a .ipd file from the BLOB data
  • Replace BLOB - Overwrite the BLOB data with that from a selected .ipd file
  • Report Templates - Execute a report template on the selected revision
  • Comment pane - Show or hide the revision comment pane
  • Options - Modify the Browser Options

Information - Project Revisions

Inserted Layers – this tab is only displayed for Master Projects and gives a list of layers where master layers are inserted - see Master Projects and Project Browser - Advanced Operations.

Right-clicking an entry gives a context menu with the following options:-

  • Details - Not available for Inserted Layers
  • Quick view - to preview the layer geometry
  • Database - Display database information for the layer
  • Information - Display project information of the linked project
  • Locate the linked project in the Browser.

In the example below, Master Layer 0 is inserted into project P002038 (Inserted Master). The insertion was done using Block - Insert Master Layer.

Information - Inserted Layers

Linked Revisions – this tab is only displayed for projects and gives a hierarchy of linked revisions, if any. See Project Browser - Advanced Operations.

Right-clicking an entry gives a context menu with the following options:-

  • Details - Display the Link Properties
  • Quick view - to preview the revision geometry
  • Database - Display database information for the layer
  • Information - Display project information of the linked project
  • Locate the linked project in the Browser.

Information - Linked Revisions

Documents - documents associated with this project. This is the same information as is on the Project Documents form, and the same options and tools are available here.

Information - Documents

Invitations - a list of invitations granting specific users access to this project. Right-clicking on an entry gives a context menu with options allowing you to Add, Modify or Delete an invitation.

Information - Invitations

Dependent MTS - this tab is only valid for Symbols and Templates. It displays any Master Tool Settings that reference the current symbol or template.

Information - Dependent MTS

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