Profile Rubber

Automatic Rubber Setup - Profile Rubber

Profile rubber palette

From the pulldown list select the palette for the profile rubber.

NOTE: The Palette Attributes of the profile rubber define the width of the rubber created. The Manufacturing - Width determines the width created. The Bevel Distance defines the lip distance created.

Cutback at cut line intersection

Enter the distance that the profile rubber will stop short of a cut type entity.

Cutback at crease line intersection

Enter the distance that the profile rubber will stop short of a crease type entity.

Minimum end angle

Enter the minimum internal angle of the profile rubber. If the resulting angle is greater than specified, the profile rubber length will be reduced to create the minimum angle.

Minimum length

Enter a value here to prevent profile rubber being added to short entities.

Profile only along nicks

Switch this option on to mask the profile rubber around nicks.

Nick distance

Enter the offset distance around each nick.

Add profile to external

Automatic profile rubber is normally only added to internal common knifes and the first knife. Switch this option on to add profile rubber to the back edge and sides as well.

Add profile to first knife

Switch this option off if you don't want the profile rubber adding to the first knife.

Split and keep overlapped rubber

Switch this option on split any underneath rubber. Otherwise it will be masked out.

Override palette types

By default the palette types that are used for profile rubber are CutStrip Knife and Balancing Knife. Switch this option on and choose from the list of palette types if you want to override this default.

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