User Privileges - Other Site Settings

It may be necessary to restrict the access a user has to the Master Tool Settings for an external site to which they are connected. This can be achieved on this page.

User Privileges - Other Site Settings

User access to settings belonging to other sites

  • none
  • all read only
  • all read/write
  • as below (unchecked = no access, greyed = read only, checked = read/write)

If the none radio button has been selected then users cannot access the Master Tool Settings at all. If all read only has been selected then they have read only access to all Master Tool Settings from other sites. If all read/write has been selected then they have both read and write access to all Master Tool Settings. If as below has been selected then you can specify for each Setting whether users have no access, read only access or read and write access.

The example above shows that read only access has been granted for the 3D Palette Options settings and read / write access has been granted for the Board Settings. The check-boxes on this page operate slightly differently to normal. Each time you click the box it cycles through the possibilities of unchecked, grey, checked.

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