External Tables

This page defines how external database tables are handled.

Database Window - External Tables


Requery table after insert or edit by default

This option sets the initial value for the Always Requery menu item in the Actions menu of the Custom Table form. 

Show delete confirmation by default

This option sets the initial value for the Confirm Deletes menu item in the Actions menu of the Custom Table form. 

Use the Quick Finder to locate on the current sort column by default

This option sets the initial value for the Quick Finder menu item in the Actions menu on the Custom Table form.

Allow user to Delete All records

Switch this option on to enable the Delete All menu item (not available for Customer databases) on the Actions menu of the Custom Table form.

Hide Buttons

From the drop-down list, select which buttons you want to hide (i.e. not display) on the Custom Table form.

  • Find
  • Add
  • Copy
  • Change
  • Delete

Find Window

Select the appropriate radio button to define which fields you want displaying on the Find Window. By sorted columns it actually means indexed columns.

  • Find window includes all sorted columns plus those fields selected
  • Find window only includes fields selected

Match any field value by default

This option sets the initial value for the Locate records which match any of the values option on the Find Window.

Case sensitive string search by default

Switch this option on if the search that is done from the Find Window should be case sensitive.

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