Female Inner

This is a sub-page from the Blanker Wizard form.

Blanker - Female Inner

The female inner will be added to the same layer as the female outer geometry.


This option determines if the female inner profile will be added to a sub-block.

Block name

Enter the required block name for the female inner profile.


From the pulldown list choose the palette for the female inner profile.

Grip offset (outside)

Specify the default initial offset distance from the first cut entity on the grip edge to the internal female profile.

Left inner offset

Specify the default initial offset distance in from the cut extents on the side lay to the female inner profile

Left outer offset

Specify the default initial offset distance out from the cut extents on the side lay to the female inner profile.

Right inner offset

Specify the default initial offset distance in from the cut extents on the off lay to the female inner profile

Right outer offset

Specify the default initial offset distance out from the cut extents on the off lay to the female inner profile.

Top inner offset

Specify the default initial offset distance in from the cut extents on the back edge to the female inner profile

Top outer offset

Specify the default initial offset distance out from the cut extents on the back edge to the female inner profile.

The offsets are default values used by the blanker tool and can be changed to inside or outside and the values overridden when the female is created.

Use laser offsets for bar

Switch this option on to offset the inner profile around any bars added.

Beam width

Enter the amount by which to offset around the bars.


Choose the method of adding bridges to the female inner profile. The bridge style will correspond to the palette attributes of the specified palette.

  • Bridge to palette - will bridge all the entities automatically according to the bridge mode specified in the defined palette
  • Bridge manually – allows you to position the tie bridges of the specified Width to the internal profile

Minimum number of bridges

Specify the minimum number to be added. A warning will be displayed if there are insufficient.

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