General Settings

Name - specify the unique name for the settings.

Description - a description can be added to the text box.

To Layer - the geometry created by the tool can be transferred to another layer by checking this option and from the Layer name pulldown selecting the layer - this will list layers in the active drawing or by typing a standard layer name into this field, or the preferred method is to select a standard layer by pressing the button to the right of the layer name and selecting one from the Layer Setup

Make-Ready holes in both layers - determines if the symbols for the make ready location holes specified below are to be copied to the above layer.

Copy creases to layer - determines if any creases are to be copied to the specified layer.

Horizontal - if the creases are to be copied to another layer, from the pulldown box select the palette for the horizontal creases to be changed to when copied.

Vertical - if the creases are to be copied to another layer, from the pulldown box select the palette for the vertical creases to be changed to when copied.

Use for the crease channel width - the make ready channel widths of the horizontal and vertical creases specified (the largest of the two) will be used to calculate the offset of the extended chamfer. The channel widths are defined in the manufacturing page of the palette attributes. Enabling this option will disable crease channel widths below.

Explode cut-crease entities - if this is checked, any cut/crease type entities will be profiled as the manufacturing details of the palette. If this option is not checked, any cut/crease entities will be profiled as crease type entities.

Score line to - determines how score entities will be profiled, from the pulldown box select the option required.

Channel - any score type entities will be treated as crease type entities. If the option to copy creases to another layer has been checked, any score or perf entities will also be copied.

Plate - any score type entities will be treated as cut type entities.

Make ready - any score type entities will be treated as crease but without creating a channel. If the option to copy creases to another layer has been checked, any score entities will not be copied.

Perf. lines to - determines how perforation type entities will be profiled, from the pulldown box select the option required.

Channel - any perforation type entities will be treated as crease type entities. If the option to copy creases to another layer has been checked, any score or perf entities will also be copied.

Plate - any perforation type entities will be treated as cut type entities.

Make ready - any perforation type entities will be treated as crease but without creating a channel. If the option to copy creases to another layer has been checked, any perferation entities will not be copied.

Make-Ready Holes

Symbol to use - specify which symbol will be inserted by the add MR holes tool. Click the button the right and the Symbol Select form will be displayed allowing you to select a symbol.

Safe distance - the make ready profile will default to allowing the radial distance from the centre of any make -ready holes.

Default offset - initial X and Y offset loaded by the MR holes tool, which is part of the Matrix Creator tool.

Allow for existing make-ready holes – applies the safe distance rules to any make-ready hole symbols in the drawing.

Remove external make-ready holes - any symbols placed outside the matrix extents by the MR holes tool will be discarded on Save and Exit.

Board thickness - specify the thickness of board to be cut and creased. This is used for the Visualise tool paths tool only and not to calculate the extended chamfer tool offset.

Matrix thickness - specify the thickness of the matrix material. Note this value can be used to determine the Profile and Extended chamfer tool diameters.

Crease Channel Widths

  • Use palette channel widths - the manufacturing properties of the crease entities in the current layer will determine the crease channel widths.
  • Use explicit channel widths - specify the largest crease channel width for the design.

Automatic smoothing of final profile - if checked the tool will add fillets to intersection points between cutouts and masks.

Text Palette - from the pulldown list choose the palette for any text entities added using the Text tool.

Use Visibility Settings - enabling this option will allow you to specify the visibility of the drawing as it is loaded in the Matrix Creator tool GUI. The visibility settings can be created by the saved visibility master tool settings.

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