Post Processors

The previous pages of the plotter machine are used to configure the way the machine operates, the tools the machine has and any special commands required to make the machine work in the way you require. The post processors control the type of geometry you want to output to the machine such as the palettes, optimisation of the geometry and the orientation of the output.

Post Processors can be added by right-clicking on the Post Processors folder in the explorer window and selecting Add. Once a Post Processor has been configured, you can add a new Post Processor based on this one by right-clicking on the existing Post Processor and selecting Add based on. Post Processors can also be imported from existing plotter machines in the database, machines exported from another Impact database or from an exported Impact Post Processor.

The order of the Post Processors can be altered either by right-clicking on the Post Processors folder and selecting Sort alphabetically or by right-clicking on a Post Processor entry and selecting either Move up or Move down.


A unique name for the Post Processor must be entered. Post Processor names can only be duplicated in separate Plotter Machines (e.g. a Post Processor name Plot can exist in a Plotter Machine Designers Sample Maker and also in Diemakers Sample Maker).


The description is an optional field to help to distinguish several similar Post Processors.

The following pages are available:-

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