Make Ready Geometry Dependent Attributes

The Make Ready Geometry Dependent attributes are used by the Make Ready and the Automatic Make Ready tools. These settings normally depend upon the panel size that the make ready profile is to be added to.

The Make Ready Geometry Dependent attributes form can be opened from Master Tool Settings, Make Ready or Automatic Make Ready tools.


Enter the unique MTS name.


Enter an optional description for these settings.

Make Ready Geometry Dependent Attributes -Settings

2 same as 1

If this option is enabled, any changes made to the Start Parameters are reflected in the End Parameters.

Start parameters

Define the variables (D1, E1, G1, R1) for the start of the make ready profile.

End parameter

Define the variables (D2, E2, G2, R2) for the end of the make ready profile.


Enter the top height.

Rounded top

This option determines if the F variable is rounded or squared.

Do end geometry only

If this option is checked, the make ready profile will be added to the start point of the selected entity.

Angle H absolute

If this option is checked, the H angle is relative to the crease entity, if not, it is relative to the make ready profile (D angle).

Extended chamfer angle (H)

Enter the required angle.

Extended chamfer length (K)

Enter the required length.

Corner radius

Enter the required value.

See the diagram below for a pictorial definition of the values.

Make Ready Geometry Dependent Variables


Make Ready Geometry Board Dependent Attributes - Overrides

Any checked option will override the settings defined on the Make Ready Board attributes when the Make Ready tool or the Automatic Make Ready tool is run.

  • AX
  • AY
  • BX
  • BY

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