3D Scene

Impact Explorer - 3D Scene

This page of the Impact Explorer is split into three sections.

3D Scene

This section contains a tree list consisting of a list of one-up designs that are available to the 3D layer and a list of 3D Face insertions.

You can access the right-click context menu with the following options:

  • Copy - Make a copy of the current insertion
  • Tools
    • Merge - Merge the sub-nodes into the parent node (only available for instances and meshes)
    • Flip Normals - Reverse the surface normals (only available for meshes)
  • Rename - Rename the current design or insertion
  • Coordinate System
    • Use Object Coordinate System - Use the local coordinate system
    • Define New Coordinate System - Choose a face and an edge to align the new coordinate system to
    • User Coordinate System - Switch this option on or off to use the previously defined coordinate system
  • Delete - Delete the current insertion
  • New
    • Import - 3D Object - This option starts the Import 3D tool
    • Group Insert - Creates a new Group node into which you can drag other objects
  • Explorer Pages - Allows you to switch to a different Impact Explorer page
  • Properties - Opens the 3D Properties form


This section contains a list of the materials defined in the current 3D scene.

You can access the right-click context menu with the following options:

  • Copy - Make a copy of the current material
  • Delete - Remove the current material from the list
  • Refresh All - Reloads all of the material textures
  • Purge Unreferenced - Remove all unreferenced materials and textures from the list. This option is switched on by default.
  • Show All Materials - Switch this off if you don't want to display non-public materials
  • Texture Utilities
    • Reload - Reload textures in case of any changes
    • Embed All - Embed all texture images
    • Update Artwork - Opens the Update Artwork form
    • Texture Manager - Opens the Material Properties form (Textures tab only)
  • Explorer Pages - Allows you to switch to a different Impact Explorer page
  • New
  • Properties - Opens the Material Properties form


Any of the three transitions can be dragged into the Animation editor when in record mode.

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