3D Components Library

This toolbox can be opened via the Window > Standard Toolboxes menu.

3D Components Library Standard Toolbox (large icons view)

This toolbox allows insertion of saved 3D Components into the current 3D scene. To the top-right of the toolbox are four viewing options:

Large icons - displays a vertical arrangement of large thumbnail images for each component within a selected folder.

Small icons - displays a vertical arrangement of small thumbnail images for each component within a selected folder.

List view - displays a horizontal arrangement of small thumbnail images for each component within a selected folder.

Details - displays a vertical arrangement of the name & description for each component within a selected folder. No thumbnail image will be displayed.

Components can be added to the current 3D scene by direct drag & drop onto the drawing canvas or via a context-menu Insert option. The drag & drop method will place the component at the cursor position. The context-menu also offers the following options:

Insert - inserts the component into the current 3D scene. The X, Y & Z attributes of the component will be used to determine the position of the component within the scene.

Open - opens the component for modification.

Quick View - displays a static full-screen preview of the selected component. Left-click or Escape to close the preview.

Information - lists the textures, materials, polygon meshes & inserts contained within a selected component.

Refresh - repaints the contents of the 3D Components Library.

3D Components Library Context Menu


3D Component Properties (from the Information option)

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools3D ToolsNotes On Standard Toolboxes. 

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