Snap Settings

This toolbox is opened via the Window > Standard Toolboxes menu.

It allows you to set default settings for the operation of Snap modes.

Snap Settings Toolbox


From the pulldown list a standard setting can be selected. The settings are stored in the Master Tool Settings. You can override any of the settings directly on the toolbox.

Snap Method

From the pulldown list choose the method required.

  • Remember Snaps - this method remembers the snap mode that was used the last time you used a snap mode for a tool, and this snap mode will be the default mode the next time a tool is activated that requires a snap mode.
  • Return to global snap - if you select this method and select a snap mode from the Snap mode pulldown list, whichever tool you use, your preferred snap mode will be used. If you select another snap mode, this will be used for one pick and then the system will return to using your preferred snap mode.
  • Smart tool snaps - if you select this method, whichever tool you select will use the snap mode which was last used when this tool was running.

Snap mode

If Return to global snap has been selected, select from the pulldown list the snap mode to be defined as the global snap.

Snap radius

Set the radius in pixels that the cursor will look within for the chosen snap mode.

Snap respecting ordered draw

If this option and the option Enable ordered drawing in Design Options - Palettes - Drawing Order are both switched on then snapping to an entity will respect the order in which the entities are drawn. This means that an entity drawn on top of another will be given priority.

Offset snap radius

This is the setting which is applied to the Snap Offset tool and corresponds to the radius of the circle displayed around the cursor when this tool is activated.

From end snap distance

This is the offset from the end distance, which is applied to the Snap From End tool.

Arc segments

This is the value which is applied to the Snap Quadrant tool and corresponds to the number of points on a circle that can be snapped to.

Use snapping cursors

If this option is switched on then drawing tools will indicate which point they are going to snap to as they approach it.

Extend mode

This option will display a temporary construction line when your snapping cursor has identified a snap point and your cursor hovers over an existing entity. The construction entity can then be used to snap to an intersection point it creates with an existing entity.

Delay on

Specify the required delay time before the construction entity appears.

Delay off

Specify the required duration that the construction entity will be displayed.

Show hint windows

Switch this option on to display a help window describing the snapped point whilst the cursor hovers over it.

Feature Change History

The following changes have been made to this feature.

History of ChangeVersion
Grid and Nudge Settings2024

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