Block Inspector

This panel lists all block insertions and optionally all symbol insertions in the current layer.

Impact Explorer - Block Inspector

  • Right click context menu allows you to
    • View extents
    • Make the block current
    • Ignore Changes - Exit the current block and ignore any changes made to it
    • Save Current - Exit the current block and save any changes
    • Create New Block - Exit the current block and create a new block for the changes
    • New - Load the Block new tool
    • Rename the block
    • Style - Change the block style (either Sub-block or Special Output)
    • Explode the block
    • Switch to one of the other Impact Explorer pages
    • Show Symbols - Switch the display of symbols in this list on or off
    • Show the block inspector
    • Ordered - See below
    • Reorder Selected By... - Alter the order of the blocks
    • Purge - Load the Purge block tool
  • Double-click on a block insertion to change your current block - the block icon is then shown in red.

Reorder the blocks

If the Ordered option is switched on in the Right click context menu then the blocks will be displayed in the order that they were created in the drawing. With the option switched off they will be displayed in alpha-numerical order.

The Reorder Selected By option in the context menu can be used to reorder selected blocks. The blocks should be selected in the Block Inspector, and then this option chosen. You can then reorder by Name, Block Style or First Palette (i.e. the name of the first palette within the block). Alternatively, if only Rule Preparation blocks have been selected in the Block Inspector then there will be two more options available. In this case you can order by Rule Preparation - Description (i.e. the name of the original first palette used to create the rule preparation block) or Rule Preparation - Number of Lips.

You can also manually alter the order in the Block Inspector by dragging and dropping the entries.

Altering the order of the blocks in the Block Inspector affects the order in which the blocks are output, either to a plotter or to a Rule Preparation machine.

See also DrawingsLayers and Blocks

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