Block Tools

These tools allow you to create and manipulate blocks and symbols. You can also convert blocks to layers and vice versa.

The layer and block structure of a drawing is shown on the Drawings Hierarchy page of the Impact Explorer. Many of the block tools are available on the context menu, displayed by right-clicking in the Block Inspector area. 

Tools described in this section:

> Insert symbol
> Insert Block
> Insert Design Component
> Insert Drawing Layers
> Insert master layer
> New
> Rename
> Purge
> Group
> Ungroup
> Ungroup All
> Change current
> Quick change
> Split Selected
> Save current
> Move block origin
> Boolean operations
> Copy layers
> Duplicate current layer
> Master Layers
> Blocks to Layers
> Layers to Blocks
> To Layers
> Direction symbols
> Lay Symbol Pattern
> Create symbol patterns
> Delete Symbols

Related topics: Blocks, Symbols, Layers.

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