Direction symbols

  Edit Bar controls: Mode, Scale, Machine Direction, Grain/Flute direction.

This tool allows you to insert the special symbols for Grain/Flute direction, Machine direction and Print-face/Die-face into a drawing. The symbols are defined in Database Operation > Symbols. The terminology used for Grain/Flute direction and Print-face/Die-face is defined in Database Operation > Terminology.


From the drop-down list choose the symbol required:

  • Grain/Flute
  • Machine
  • Print-face/Die-face


Enter the scale of symbol to be inserted.


This option is only available for Grain/Flute and Machine modes. The Grain/Flute and Machine direction will default to the directions as specified in the Layer Properties, Origin/Direction page. These values can be changed by choosing the direction from the drop-down list. Once the symbol is placed the layer properties will be updated to match the direction of the symbol placed. If the Layer properties change, any direction symbols in the layer will change to suit.

The Machine direction symbol must have been created to the right and the Grain/Flute direction symbol must have been created left to right.

Related topics: Symbols, New Symbol, Design Options

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