3D Trim

  Edit Bar controls: Palette, Auto-update 3D, Tidy 2D result, Allowance, Sharp Corners.

This tool allows a folding model to be trimmed against another folding model or a mesh object.

Palette - specify the palette for the trim geometry.

NOTE: For best results, a Cut-type palette should be selected.

Auto-update 3D - if checked, the folding model will be automatically updated to show the trimmed geometry. If unchecked, the 3D Update Models tool will need to be used to update the folding model (in order to show the trimmed geometry).

Tidy 2D result - if checked, stray & overlapping entities will be removed from the corresponding 2D drawing layer. 

NOTE: Tidy 2D result is displayed only when Auto-update 3D is unchecked.

Allowance - you can choose to increase the size of the trimmed area by adding an allowance.

Sharp Corners - allows you to specify if any resultant sharp corners are to be trimmed with a fillet or to a corner.

With no objects selected, run the tool. Click on the object to be trimmed (a folding model), followed by the object to trim against (another folding model or a mesh object).

Alternatively, with the object to be trimmed selected (a folding model), run the tool and click on the object to trim against (another folding model or a mesh object).

Alternatively, with the object to trim against selected (a folding model or a mesh object) and click on the object to trim (a folding model).

The object to be trimmed will be modified in accordance with the Edit Bar options.

NOTE: For best results, you should ensure that the origin of the folding model to be trimmed does not lie within the region to be removed by the 3D Trim tool.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools.

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