3D Tools

Most of the 3D tools are disabled unless the current layer is a 3D type. The exception is the 3D Viewer tool, which is enabled in a normal 2D layer, allowing you to create a 3D layer from it. If you are already working in a 3D type layer, the 3D Viewer tool itself is greyed out.

Most of the non-3D tools are disabled when you are in a 3D layer, the notable exceptions being:

Note that some of the 3D tools appear on other menus, for example the Import 3D and Export 3D tools appear on the File menu.

Right-clicking within a 3D layer displays a context menu allowing easy access to many of the 3D tools.

In addition, if you right-click on an object and choose Properties, the Properties form is displayed.

Tools described in this section:

> 3D Viewer
> Wizards
> New
> Templates
> Camera
> View
> Display
> Folding Faces
> Window Layout
> Object
> Dimensions
> Coordinate System
> Animate
> Quick Preview Render
> Update Models
> Shape Creator
> 3D Snapshot

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