Rotate View

  This tool allows you to rotate the camera about the 3D scene.

Edit Bar controls: Free Look, Rotate About, Reset X, Reset Y, Reset Z, Rotation Angle X, Rotation Angle Y, Rotation Angle Z.

Free Look - you can allow the camera a free look about the 3D scene.

Rotate About - you can choose to rotate the camera about the origin, the scene, selected objects or the view centre.

Reset X, Y and Z - you can choose to reset X, Y and Z-axis rotations.

Rotation Angle X, Y and Z - you can specify an angle of rotation about each axis, and click the Apply button to perform the rotation.

Simply click and drag to rotate the camera. Right-mouse click and select Cancel 3D Camera Rotate to cancel the tool.

You can also hold the Shift key down to switch to Zoom mode, or hold the Ctrl key down to Rotate the environment.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools.

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