
This page allows you to view the artwork assigned to the folding model.

3D Wizard Artwork

Outside - click to preview the outside/print-face of the folding model (from above).

Inside - click to preview the inside/die-face of the folding model (from below).

Reference - click to preview the folding model in a perspective view.

Geometry - click to toggle the visibility of Cuts & Creases.

Artwork Images - a context menu option allows you to refresh the preview.

Preview - the preview pane contains a real-time dynamic preview, with a range of controls located beneath the preview window itself. The preview pane also features a context menu offering the following tools - Display/View/Pan & Zoom/Zoom In Out/Zoom Box/Rotate View/Animate/Save Image & Print.

Click Next to continue with the Wizard or Back to return to the previous page. Click Cancel to cancel the Wizard.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools, 3D Viewer, Camera, View, Display.

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