Video Production Wizard

The Video Production Wizard helps you to create & modify Video Production Master Tool Settings, which are used by the Video Production Wizard.

To create a Video Production setting, click the Add button. To modify an existing setting, select a setting and click the Change button.

Video Production Wizard Start Page.

Click Next to proceed with the wizard.


Provide a unique Name and an optional Description for the setting and Specify the Super Sampling options.

Video Porduction Wizard Settings Page

Click Next to continue.


Define the File Path and File Name for the video. Note that substitution codes can be used to influence the final video name. 

Choose from a list of Standard video resolutions or specify a bespoke Width & Height

Note that you can lock the aspect ratio to the current 3D viewport if required.

Video Production Wizard Output Page

Click Next to continue.


Select a Codec from the pull-down list and modify the Quality slider to suit.

Video Production Wizard Compression Page

Click Next to continue.

Video Production Wizard Finish Page

Click Finish to complete the Wizard. A new Video Production Master Tool Setting will be created within the Video Production Settings folder, using the name provided.

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