Project Folder Properties

This form is displayed from the Impact Browser - Folder tree - Right-click context menu Properties option.

Project Folder Properties - General

The name of the folder is displayed, in this example '2019'. Note, the number of items in the folder is shown in brackets next to the name, here 379 items.


If the name of the folder's creator has been specified it is displayed here.


This will be Project, Symbol or Template.


The number of items and sub-folders within this folder are displayed here.


The physical location of the folder is displayed here. This is not relevant for Blobbed databases.


You can modify the folder attributes here:

  • Read only - Users cannot save new files into folder, or any folders within this one
  • Don't allow save - Don't allow new items to be saved directly in this folder (disabled when 'Read only' property set on this or any parent folder)
  • Hidden - Folder is only visible to creator and Administrators
  • Synchronise to Enterprise - will the folder automatically be published to the central Enterprise database (Enterprise site database only)
  • Automatically remove unused items - To limit the size of the Site/Hub databases it is possible for the Impact Enterprise Services to periodically check for unused projects and automatically remove them from the database. To automatically delete projects from a Site/Hub database each folder on the Site/Hub must opt-in using this option. (Enterprise site database only)


Project Folder Properties - Description

Enter a free-form description of the folder here.

Project Folder Properties - Permissions

Use this page to set up access rights that the various User Groups should have for this folder.

Type of Access

From the drop-down list select the required access level:

  • No Access
  • Read Only
  • Read and Write
  • Read, Write, Add Folders
  • Full Control


Press this button to add a new User Group to the list.


Highlight an entry in the list and press this button to remove it.

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