
Use this section of the Visibility form to select the visibility settings for other entities.

Visibility - Other


Use this option to either hide or show graphics entities.

Show extents only

This option causes only a rectangle to be drawn around the graphic entity and the graphic attributes to be shown.

Show both faces simultaneously

This option causes both the print-face and the die-face side of the graphic entities to be displayed.

Perimeter Quality

This option allows you to choose how accurately the image clipping is calculated. (This has no effect on rectangular images.)

Image Quality

This option allows you to control how the graphic entities are drawn to the screen.

Both quality settings may affect the viewing performance - the lower the quality, the quicker viewing operations will perform.

Report Drawing Areas

This option is used to display or hide report drawing (or border plot) areas.

Profile Rubbers

This option is used to display or hide profile rubber entities.

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