Geometry Appearance

Use this section of the Visibility form to change the visibility of geometry.

Visibility - Geometry Appearance


Direction Arrows

All lines, arcs, circles and Bezier curves have a direction. This option causes a marker to be drawn approximately halfway along the entity showing the direction (pointing from the start point to the end point). The size is controlled via the Pixels value.

Start Point Markers

This option causes an arrow marker to be drawn at the start point of all lines, arcs, circles and Bezier curves. The size is controlled via the Pixels value.

End Point Markers

This option causes an arrow marker to be drawn at the end point of all lines, arcs, circles and Bezier curves. The size is controlled via the Pixels value.

Last Point / Entity Marker

This option causes a square marker to be displayed at the last point picked.

Palette Information

This option causes palette text to be displayed beside each entity. Each palette must first have its text specified via the Palette Attributes - Display form.

Common Knives

This option causes entities that were hidden by the common knife tool to be displayed. Normally they are "replaced" in the multi-up layer with the common knife block. It is recommended that this option is switched off, otherwise the entities will be appear to be duplicated.

See Diemaking - Common Knife - Create common knife block.

Conditional Standard Geometry

This option causes the appropriate text to be displayed with parametric entities.


Manufacturing Info

This option causes palette manufacturing attributes to be displayed. These are configured via the Palette Attributes form. For example, zipper lines and combination lines will be shown as they are to be cut rather than as a single line.

Tool Widths

This option causes line, arc, circle and Bezier entities to be drawn "thick", according to the palette width, configured via the Palette Attributes form.

Draw Sausage Lines

This option causes line, arc, circle and Bezier entities to be drawn "thick", according to the sausage table settings that you have chosen from the drop-down list. These are configured in the Master Tool Settings - Sausage Tables.

Secondary Palette

This option is for entities which have secondary palettes assigned to them. If it is switched on they are displayed using the secondary palette instead of the primary one. Secondary palettes are assigned using Edit Entities - Change Properties tool.

Fillet Relief

This option causes the fillet relief geometry to be displayed on arcs where it has been set using the Edit Entities - Change Properties tool.

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