Measurements and Units

Environment - Measurement and Units

The following buttons can be used to quickly change all relevant settings between Metric and Imperial units and vice versa.

  • Metric
  • Imperial




Choose from the drop-down list:

  • Centimetres
  • Feet
  • Inches
  • Metres
  • Millimetres
  • Points


Enter the required distance unit suffix, such as mm, cm etc.

Decimal places

Enter the required number of decimal places to be displayed for distances.


This is the value by which distances will be incremented or decremented when using the spin-box controls on entry fields.

Display fractions

Switch this option on if you want to display fractions rather than decimal values.


Enter the denominator to be used for fractions.

Reduce denominator

Switch this option on if you want fractions displayed with the lowest possible denominator. For instance, display 5/10 as 1/2.



Choose from the drop-down list:

  • Grams
  • Kilograms
  • Ounces
  • Pounds


Enter the required weight unit suffix, such as gm, kg etc.

Decimal places

Enter the required number of decimal places to be displayed for weights.


This is the value by which weights will be incremented or decremented when using the spin-box controls on entry fields.

Display fractions

Switch this option on if you want to display fractions rather than decimal values.


Enter the denominator to be used for fractions.

Reduce denominator

Switch this option on if you want fractions displayed with the lowest possible denominator. For instance, display 5/10 as 1/2.



Choose from the drop-down list:

  • Degrees
  • Gradients
  • Radians


Enter the required angle unit suffix, such as deg, rad etc.

Decimal places

Enter the required number of decimal places to be displayed for angles.


This is the value by which angles will be incremented or decremented when using the spin-box controls on entry fields.

Display fractions

Switch this option on if you want to display fractions rather than decimal values.


Enter the denominator to be used for fractions.

Reduce denominator

Switch this option on if you want fractions displayed with the lowest possible denominator. For instance, display 5/10 as 1/2.



Enter the required volume unit suffix, such as cu mm.



Enter the required area unit suffix, such as sq mm.

Round up area display

Switch this option on to round large area values up to display them in a bigger unit, such as metres.


Enter the value above which area values should be displayed in the bigger unit.


Decimal places

Enter the required number of decimal places to be displayed for real numbers (i.e. not distance, weight or angle).


When running standards it is possible to automatically apply rounding to a specified threshold. For example you may wish to round all values to 0.5mm or 1/16inch.

Apply threshold rounding

Switch this option on to use this facility.

Default rounding threshold

Enter the required value.

Floating point arithmetic rounding errors may cause some standards to give unexpected results if they have not been designed with this in mind. Using a global arbitrary epsilon value in rounding expressions may compensate for this.

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