Tool Form Properties

This form is opened when you press the Change button on the Options Environments - Toolbars page.

Environment - Toolbars - Tool Form Properties 

Tool Form

This is the name of the tool form to which these properties apply.

User can fully customise the toolbars

If this option is switched on you can change the appearance of the toolbars, move them around etc.

User can change positions and visibility

This option is only available if the previous option is switched off. It allows you to change the position of the toolbars, but not what they contain. If this option is switched off all of the following options are disabled.

Toolbars locked by default

Switch this option on to lock the positions of the toolbars.

Allow Floating Toolbars

Switch this option on to allow the toolbars to be dragged away and left floating.

Allow Docking in all corners

Switch this option on to allow the toolbars to be docked on all sides. Otherwise they can only be docked at the top of the form.

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