Auto-Number Rule Criterion

Auto-Number Rule Criterion


From the drop-down list choose the required database table.

There is a special table available at the top of this list - %SYSTEM.


From the drop-down list choose the required column from the chosen table.

If you have chosen the %SYSTEM table then the following columns will be available:-

  • ApplicationName
  • HostName
  • MajorVersionNumber
  • VersionName


From the drop-down list choose Equal toNot equal toContainsStarts withRegular expressionIs null or Is not null.


Enter the required value to match against.

If you have chosen the %SYSTEM table, when you hover over the field you will see a hint, which will be different depending on the chosen column:-

  • For ApplicationName - Current application name, e.g. Impact, for nServer the registered IDatabase.ApplicationName
  • For HostName'Impact' or 'nServer'
  • For MajorVersionNumberCurrent Impact major version number. E.g. 11
  • For VersionNameCurrent Impact version name. E.g. '2019'

Rule Enabled

Switch this option off to disable this rule.

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