Variables Window

Impact Explorer - Variables

The Variables Window displays the current Variables, Expressions and Variable Groups that have been created for a parametric design. Information displayed here can be the Variable Name, Prompt, Value and Formula. You also have the option to display a Legend which explains the symbols used within this window.

For variables that are not material variables, you can edit the variable prompt by simply typing some new text in the Prompt column.

See Visible for more information on activating or deactivating these column headers.


Enter an Expression to assign to a dimension. This option is only available when the Constraint Manager is inactive.

Selecting variables

If you select a variable in the variable list then any related parametric dimensions and entities will be highlighted.


Press this button to toggle the display of dimensions.

Dim. Expressions

Press this button to toggle the display of dimensions between the actual measurement and the applied variable.


Press this button to toggle the visibility of conditional expressions.

Auto Update

Press this button to toggle the automatic update setting.


Press this button to recompute the standard after making changes to some variables.


Press this button to start the Standards Designer.

The right-click context menu gives the following options:

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