Project Updates

Project Updates

This form is displayed either from the Utilities - Maintenance - Update Project Items tool or when a drawing (project, template or symbol) is opened and there are out of date items that have not been automatically updated. The items that are checked and automatically updated are defined in your Opening Projects settings in Impact Options - Database Operation.

All items will default to being updated. This is identified by the tick in the corresponding check box. The items are listed in a tree view, showing the type of item that is out of date and then all items of that type. Any items ticked will be updated. If you do not want to update an item, remove the tick against its name. If you remove the tick from the parent, then none of the items of that type will be updated.


  • Symbols where the revision does not match the symbol revision in the database will default to be updated to match the database.
  • Symbols not in the current database will default to being exploded to a block. If you highlight the symbol and press Change, the Update Symbol form will be displayed, allowing you to change, save or convert the symbol to a block.

Extra layer types

  • If there are any layer types in the drawing that are not defined in the database they will be listed here. Highlight the entry and press Change to display the Change Layer Type form.


  • If there are any fonts that are referenced in the drawing that are not defined in the database they will be automatically replaced by the default font.
  • Alternatively, you can press the Change button to apply a substitution using the Font Substitution form.

Master Projects

  • Inserted master drawing layers where the layer revisions do not match will default to being updated to match the latest revision. Highlight the entry and press Change to display the Missing Master Layer form.

Embedded Graphic Documents

  • If there are any out of date embedded graphics documents in the drawing they will be listed here. Highlight the required entry and press Change to display either the Update Document form (for a missing document) or the Document Information form (for an out of date document).

Line Styles

  • If custom dot-dash patterns have been used, the definitions are updated from the Master Tool Settings (see Line Style Settings)


This is only relevant if you use a palette database.

  • This will list all palettes in the selected project that do not match the palettes in the palette database. All palettes will default to being updated.


Press this button to update all the items ticked.


Press this button to cancel the tool.

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