
  Edit Bar controls: Frames per Second, Play Backwards, Pause, Goto Frame, Previous, Next.

This tool allows you to play back a 3D animation.

Frames Per Second - allows you to specify how many frames the animation will advance per second.

Play Backwards - allows you to play back the current animation in reverse. Click the button to resume normal play.

Pause - allows you to pause the current animation. The Pause option then displays the Goto Frame and Previous & Next edit bar controls.

Goto Frame - allows you to jump to a specific frame, whilst playback is paused.

Previous - allows you to jump directly to the previous frame, whilst playback is paused.

Next - allows you to jump directly to the next frame, whilst playback is paused.

Run the tool and the current animation will be played back according to the Edit Bar options.

To cancel the tool, run the Stop tool.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools, Record, Play Backwards, Stop, Animation Editor, Animation Properties.

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